Friday 27 February 2015

泡米饼 ~ Puffed Rice Crackers with Peanuts and Sesame Seeds


食谱取自 Kathrine Kwa


材料A :
250g 泡米/ 米通
150g 炒香花生
50g 炒香芝麻
1 芫荽 取叶

350g 幼糖
50g 麦芽糖
1大匙 食油
1大匙 桔子汁/酸柑汁
150ml  清水

1 将材料A一起捞均匀,备用。

2.把糖浆材料倒入锅中,用中火搅煮至糖溶化。煮成浓稠( 大概25分钟)。盛起半小匙糖浆滴在一碗冷水中,若也可以取出揉成团状,表示糖浆煮至恰好。

3 熄火,将(1)倒入糖浆中,快速拌匀。马上倒在一个已铺上锡纸的14“ x 14” 盘子里。铺平压紧,趁热快速切成方块即可。

Recipe source : Kathrine Kwa

Puffed Rice Crackers with Peanuts and Sesame Seeds

Ingredients A :
250g puffed rice
150g peanuts ( toasted )
50g sesame seeds ( toasted )
1 stalk coriander ( take leaf only )

For the caramel :
350g caster sugar
50g maltose
1tbsp cooking oil
1tbsp calamansi juice / lime juice
150ml water  

Method :
1. Mix all ingredients A together , set aside .
2. For the caramel , pour all ingredients into wok .  Bring to boil over medium heat  , until sugar well dissolved and liquefied ( about 25minuts ) .
Take a drop of the mixture and mix it with cold water . If the mixture is solid , it means that it’s cooked .

3. Turn off heat , add in (1) and stir until well mixed and well coated with caramel . Dish into a 14” x 14” baking tray  ( lined with aluminium foil ) , roll out and flatten with a rolling pin .Cut into rectangles or squares while it’s still hot  . Leave to cool before storing or serving .

Also linked to the event,  Cook & Celebrate : CNY organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids,   Yen from Eat Your Heart Out and Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe .


黄梨馅 ~ Pineapple Jam



3.5kg  黄梨肉
250g ~ 300g 细砂糖
2 桂皮
2 柠檬 取汁


2.将(1 倒入锅里,加入桂皮和柠檬汁,大火煮至滚。



** 炒好的黄梨馅只有1.23kg 哦!
** 我用了大概3小时半就炒好了。

Pineapple Tart Filling

Ingredients :
3.5kg pineapple flesh
250g ~ 300g caster sugar
2 cinnamon sticks
2 lemon ( squeeze out juice)

Method :
1. Cut pineapple flesh into pieces , blend it in a blender / food processor until finely paste , remove .

2. Cooked blended pineapple paste in a non-stick frying pan , add in cinnamon sticks and lemon juice . Bring to boil .

3. Then stir-fry over medium heat until slightly dry , add in caster sugar keep stirring over medium heat until the sugar is well dissolved  , stir-fry the pineapple paste until golden in colour .

4. Remove from heat . Remove the cinnamon sticks , set aside the pineapple paste filling to cool , ready to use .


Tuesday 24 February 2015

五香脆芋饼 ~ Spices Yam Crackers

食谱取自 :精选50款年味饼香
600g 芋头
1 1/2小匙五香粉
1/2  小匙 胡椒粉
2小匙 双倍发粉
1小匙 味精素 我没放




4.让蒸好的芋头团待冷却,存放在冰箱2天至硬,然后取出切成薄片。再以猛烈太阳下晒干(约2天)(我晒1天,然后用烤箱以906 ~ 7小时或至干  。最后用热油炸脆即可。

Recipe source : Chinese New Year Festive Cookies Selected

Spices Yam Crackers

Ingredients :
600g yam
350g tapioca flour
1 1/2tsp five spice powder
1/2tsp pepper
1tsp salt
2tsp double action baking powder
1tsp monosodium glutamate ( I omit it )

Method :
1.  Rinse and peel the yam , cut into thick slices . Steam over high heat for 20 minutes until cooked and soft . Remove and keep aside .

2. Pound the steamed yam and the rest of ingredients into a fruit blender until finely paste and smooth .

3. Divide the yam paste into 4 portions , knead and form into cylinder shapes separately , then put them on a greased heatproof platter . Steam in the pre-heated steamer over high heat for approximately 45 minutes . Remove .

4. Leave the steamed yam dough to cool . Chill in the fridge for 2 days until harden . Remove , cut into thinly slices and basked dry under the hot sun for 2 days I basked dry under hot sun for 1 day and  basked dry by using oven at 90c for 6 ~ 7 hours or until dry . Lastly , deep-fry into hot oil until crispy . Serve  .



Also linked to the event,  Cook & Celebrate : CNY organised by  Zoe from Bake for Happy KidsYen from Eat Your Heart Out and Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe .



Saturday 21 February 2015

嘻嘻哈哈(鼓油皇素大虾 )~ Vegetarian Big Prawns in Superior Soy Sauce

食谱取自 新新饮食@94


1张大腐皮 剪成12 x 12cm 方形
适量面糊 1大匙面粉加2大匙水拌匀

馅料( 拌匀
200g 马玲薯 煮软 ,压烂成泥
3 马蹄 去皮,切丝
3 香菇 浸软, 切丝
50g 素香片( 切丝
1/4小匙 五香粉

1条红辣椒 (切碎
3大匙 上等生抽
1大匙 素蚝油





Recipe source : YumYum @ No.94
Vegetarian Big Prawns in Superior Soy Sauce

Ingredients :
1 piece tofu skin ( cut into 12 x 12cm squares )
batter for sealing ( 1tbsp plain flour mixed with 2tbsp water )
wanton mee / fresh meeshua ( for frying )
2 cups oil for deep-frying

Filling ( mixed ) :
200g potatoes ( cooked and mashed )
3 water chestnuts ( peeled and shredded )
3 black mushrooms ( soaked and shredded )
50g vegetarian sliced meat ( shredded )
1/2tsp salt
1/4tsp five spice powder

Seasoning  :
1 red chilli ( chopped )
3tbsp good quality light soy sauce
1tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce

Method :
1. Line a piece of tofu skin on a work surface  , put some filling on top , roll up and seal the edges by brushing with a little batter .

2. Tie the vegetarian prawns with the wanton mee , deep-fry in hot oil with medium-low heat until golden brown . Dish and drain .

3. Leave 1tbsp oil in wok and stir-fry chopped chilli till fragrant. Add in the remaining seasoning and bring to boil .

4. Add in fried vegetarian prawns and stir-fry quickly until well coated with sauce . Dish up and serve .

Also linked to the event,  Cook & Celebrate : CNY organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids  , Yen from Eat Your Heart Out and Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe