食谱取自 :Kathrine Kwa
材料A :
250g 泡米/ 米通
150g 炒香花生
50g 炒香芝麻
1棵 芫荽 ( 取叶 )
350g 幼糖
50g 麦芽糖
1大匙 食油
1大匙 桔子汁/酸柑汁
150ml 清水
做法 :
1. 将材料A一起捞均匀,备用。
2.把糖浆材料倒入锅中,用中火搅煮至糖溶化。煮成浓稠( 大概25分钟)。盛起半小匙糖浆滴在一碗冷水中,若也可以取出揉成团状,表示糖浆煮至恰好。
3. 熄火,将(1)倒入糖浆中,快速拌匀。马上倒在一个已铺上锡纸的14“ x 14” 盘子里。铺平压紧,趁热快速切成方块即可。
Recipe source : Kathrine Kwa
Puffed Rice Crackers with Peanuts and Sesame
Ingredients A :
250g puffed rice
150g peanuts ( toasted )
50g sesame seeds ( toasted )
1 stalk coriander ( take leaf only )
150g peanuts ( toasted )
50g sesame seeds ( toasted )
1 stalk coriander ( take leaf only )
For the caramel :
350g caster sugar
50g maltose
1tbsp cooking oil
1tbsp calamansi juice / lime juice
150ml water
50g maltose
1tbsp cooking oil
1tbsp calamansi juice / lime juice
150ml water
Method :
1. Mix all ingredients A together , set aside .
2. For the caramel , pour all ingredients into
wok . Bring to boil over medium heat , until sugar well dissolved and liquefied (
about 25minuts ) .
This post is linked to My Treasured Recipes # 5 - Chinese New Year Goodies ( Jan / Feb 2015 ) hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flander & co-hosted
by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery House .