Monday 14 October 2013

素烧鹅 ~ Homemade vegetarian beancurd skin

儿子问我是不是放了整包的盐啊???( 老公也投诉哦。。*_* )

食谱取自 Lai Kien


材料 :

200 ML
南乳   5
南乳汁 3大匙
酱油   5大匙
五香粉  1/2小匙
味精 我没放


1. 把大张腐皮剪成4份,用湿布抹干净或冲一冲水,抹干。待用。
2. 酱汁 把南乳块,南乳汁,酱油,糖,五香粉,胡椒粉,麻油,水,拌均匀,备用。( 上图 )

3. 把调好的酱汁均匀的涂在腐皮上,然后浸入多余的酱汁里泡至20分钟,让它入味。


4. 入味后捞起切去硬边(如果有),然后拿四张腐皮贴在一起对折两次(形成小长方形)用牙签封三边的口,然后用大火蒸 10分钟,取出,待冷。

5. 烧热一锅油(中温),放入腐皮用中火炸至稍微金黄色,捞起沥干,拔开牙签,切条上盘。


1. 调好的酱汁,因该试一试咸度,因为不同的酱油品牌的咸度都不一样。

2. 在炸的过程,要不停淋热油在腐皮上,这样腐皮才会膨胀,形成酥皮肉软的素鹅。

3. 不可炸太久(稍微金黄就马上捞起),不然离锅后的腐皮就会变得太深颜色或焦色,这是因为酱料里有糖很容易焦.

Recipe source :  Lai Kien

Homemade vegetarian beancurd skin

Ingredients :
beancurd skin 5 pieces

Sauce :
water 200ml
preserved red beancurd  5 pieces
4 tbsp juice of preserved red beancurd 
soy sauce 5 tbsp
sugar 4tbsp
five spice powder   1/2tsp
sesame oil

Mehtod :

1. Beancurd skin cut into 4 pieces . Wipe with  a damp cloth . Set aside .

2. Mix all sauce ingredient and stir well .

3. Use a brush and evenly coated on each piece of beancurd skin and soak in the sauce for 20 minutes .

4. Stick together all 4 pieces beancurd skin and fold twice ( small rectangular size , as per below photo ) . Cover edges of the beancurd skin with toothpicks . Steam at high heat for 10 minutes . Set aside .

5. Heat 1 cup of oil ( medium heat ) , fry until golden brown .

Tips :

1. Due to the saltiness of each soy sauce brand is different , you should taste the sauce before coated on the beancurd skin .

2. When frying  , scoop some hot oil on the surface of the beancurd skin in order to make it crispy .

3. Once it become golden brown , immediately remove from the hot oil . Otherwise , the beancurd skin will too dark in colour .




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