Friday 28 February 2014

姜汁鲜奶炖蛋 ~ Ginger Steamed Egg Custard


食谱取自 Table for 2 ..... or More


1 粒大鸡蛋
鲜奶 200ml
细砂糖  3茶匙
姜汁  2茶匙

1. 在姜汁碗中打入一个鸡蛋和加入细砂糖。将鸡蛋轻轻打散至糖溶解,静待10分钟。

2. 加入鲜奶 ,搅拌均匀 ( 注意姜汁也是液体,姜汁和牛奶的总量为鸡蛋体积的1.5 ~ 2倍蒸出来的蛋羹口感最佳 )

3. 将混合液过筛,过滤出杂质。

4. 盖好碗盖,置于锅中,冷水入锅.

5. 等水烧开后,改大火转小火,再蒸30分钟左右,至蛋液凝固,即可取出食用。


Recipe source :  Table for 2 ..... or More

Ginger Steamed Egg Custard

Ingredients :
1 large egg
200ml fresh milk
3tsp sugar
2tsp ginger juice

Method :
1. Lightly whisk eggs with sugar and ginger juice . Let it sit for 10 minutes until the eggs turn watery . Gently stir to make sure all the sugar has dissolved .

2. Gently combine with milk .

3. Strain the mixture .

4. Prepare the steamer and bring to boil .Pour egg mixture into prepared ramekins / cups . Cover with lid or aluminium foil .

5. Turn heat to lowest and put the filled ramekins onto the steaming rack . ( the water should not bubble at all ) . Cover and double boil it for 30 minutes .Custard is set when it doesn’t budge when lightly tilted .



Thursday 27 February 2014

黑森林蛋糕 ~ Black Forest cake



我做了少许更改 )


材料 A :
海棉蛋糕预拌粉 250g
鸡蛋( 5A )  250g
水或牛奶  65

材料 B :
蜀米油  65g


2.加入B 料轻轻伴匀。

3.倒入9”模以180c 35 ~ 40分钟或至熟。

罐装樱桃 1
玉米粉  1大匙
细砂糖   1大匙
鲜奶油  400ml


1. 罐装的樱桃 :水和樱桃分别放在碗里。1 pic 1

~ 1 pic 1 ~

2. 樱桃水加1汤匙糖和1汤匙玉米粉,用小火煮,直到浓稠。待冷,备用。(2 pic 2 ) 

~ 2 pic 2 ~ 

3. 植物性鲜奶油打至硬性。

4. 烤好的海棉蛋糕横切3片。

5.放一片蛋糕在板上,用刷子涂上少许的(2,然后再涂上打发的鲜奶油。再放上cherries .再放上第二片蛋糕,重复以上的步骤。至到第三片的蛋糕。( 3 pic 3 )

~ 3 pic 3 ~

6.根据你的创造力,就可以装饰蛋糕啦 。


Recipe source :
( with minor adjustment )

Black Forest Cake

For the sponge cake :
Ingredients A :
sponge cake mix  250g
eggs  250g
water or milk  65g
Ingredients B :
corn oil 65g

Method :
1. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients A . Beat until well blended ( light and fluffy ) .

2. Add in ingredients B and mix until well combined  .

3. Pour batter into 9” prepared pans . Bake at 180c for 35 ~ 40 minutes or until cooked .

For filling :
1 can pitted sweet cherries
1tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp sugar
whipping cream   400ml

For decoration :
fresh cherries
chocolate rice

Method :
1. Drain cherries, reserving the juice. ( Pic 1 )

2. Combine reserved juice, sugar and cornstarch in a  saucepan. Cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly.  Cool before using. ( Pic 2 )

3. Beat whipping cream with an electric mixer at high speed until stiff peaks form.

4. Using a sharp knife, cut the cake , horizontally into 3 layers.

5. Turn over the top layer of the cake (top of cake becomes bottom) and place on your serving plate. Brush the cake layer with  cherry syrup. Take some whipped cream and spread on the moistened cake. Place the cherries evenly over the cream. Brush the cut-side of second genoise layer with cherry syrup. Gently pressing to compact . Repeat with the remaining cakes and cream . ( Pic 3 )

6. Cover and refrigerate the cake for several hours (or overnight) before serving. Decorate with fresh cherries and chocolate rice .

港式咖喱鱼丸 ~ Hong Kong Curry Fish Ball

食谱取自 就是爱咖喱


炸过的鱼丸 300g
咖喱叶   1枝 ( 取叶 )
黄姜叶  适量  切丝)
食油 5汤匙

60g (去皮,切丁)
小红葱  120g (去皮)
蒜头 8 (去皮)

浓椰浆  250ml
清水  450ml
生抽  2汤匙
   1 1/2茶匙
咖哩粉  5汤匙
辣椒粉   2汤匙



Recipe source : Irresistible Curry Recipes

Hong Kong Curry Fish Ball

Ingredients A :
fried fish ball ( ready-made ) 300g
curry leaf  1 sprig
some turmeric leaf ( shredded )

Ingredients B :
ginger 60g ( peeled and cubed )
shallot  120g ( skinned )
garlic 8 cloves ( skinned )

Ingredients C :
thick coconut milk 250ml
water  450ml
light soy sauce  2tbsp
salt 1/2tsp
sugar  1 1/2tsp
curry powder 5tbsp
chilli powder 2tbsp

Method :
1. Heat up 5tbsp of oil in a wok , add in ingredients B and stir-fry until fragrant . then add in curry leaf and turmeric leaf .

2. Stir in ingredients C and bring to boil . Reduce to low heat and add in fried fish balls , simmer for 5 minutes . Serve .


And this post also linked to Cook-Your-Books #9 organised by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours .



Wednesday 26 February 2014

苹果奶酥伴自制蛋奶羹 ~ Apple Crumble with Homemade Custard


食谱取自 有碗话碗



面粉 400g (过篩)
无盐牛油 250g (室温切粒
淺黄色软砂糖  160g

红苹果去皮去心切丁方 ( 任何种类也可,足以鋪滿烤盘的底部便行。)
干葡萄或混合果干 100g
肉桂粉 1 茶匙

1. 把面粉和糖置大碗中拌勻,加入牛油。用指尖把牛油和面粉揉拋搓揑均勻至面包糠狀。

2. 另一大碗內放进苹果粒和葡萄干,加入肉桂粉拌勻。

3. 预热烤箱至 180c

4. 烤盘內抹牛油,把苹果馅料放进底部铺平,把奶酥加在上面平均按满。置烤箱內焗 40 ~ 45 分钟或至表面金黄色。



牛奶 1 pint / 570 ml
忌亷/ 动物性奶油  55 ml
云尼拿香精 1/2 茶匙
蛋黃 4
砂糖 30g / 1oz
粟粉 2 茶匙

1. 蛋黄、糖和粟粉放在大碗中拌勻。

2. 牛奶、忌亷置小煲內用小火煮至微沸。

3. 把热奶液倒进蛋液里,用气球拂不断的搅拂。

4. 把奶蛋羹全部倒回小煲去,加云尼拿香精,用小火再次煮热。用木匙轻轻不断搅拌以防黏底,至奶蛋液开始微沸,变厚了和可以在木匙上停留便即熄火。 ( 小心不要煮过头, 煮过火了會呈凝结微粒狀 。如真的煮過火了,可尝试把奶蛋倒进另一碗或干净量杯去,继续搅拌看是否會再呈光滑;必要时可过篩试试。)

5. 把奶蛋羹倒进容器內马上上桌。

6. 要保持奶蛋羹的热度,可置热水盘上隔水坐热,並在上面蓋保鲜纸以防结皮。


Recipe source : Rice Bowl Tales

Apple Crumble with Homemade Custard

Apple Crumble 

For the topping:
400g plain flour, sieved
250g unsalted butter, cubed at room temparature.
160g light soft brown sugar
knob of butter for greasing

For the filling:
any type of red apples, enough to cover the base of a round oven dish, peeled, cored and cut into small square pieces.
1 tsp ground cinnamon

1. Place the flour and sugar in a large bowl and mix well. Use your finger tips to rub the butter into the flour mixture, keep rubbing until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

2. Preheat the oven to 180c .

3. Place the apple in another large bowl, add the dried fruit and cinnamon and mix well.

4. Butter the oven-proof dish, put the fruit mixture on the bottom, then sprinkle the crumble mixture on top. Bake in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes until the top is browned .

Homemade Custard

570ml / 1 pint fresh milk
55 ml / 2fl oz single cream
1 /2 tsp good vanilla extract
4 egg yolks
30g / 1 oz caster sugar
2tsp cornflour

1. Whisk the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour together in a large bowl until well combined .

2. Bring the milk and cream to a simmering point on a low heat.

3. Pour the hot milk onto the egg mixture, whisking all the time with a balloon whisk.

4. Return to the pan and on a low heat, add vanilla extract, stir gently and continuously with a wooden spoon until the custard is thick and smooth; which will happen as soon as it reaches simmering point, then turn off the heat. ( Take great care not to over heat it, or they will curdle and look grainy. If that happens, try transfer it to a clean measuring jug or a bowl and continue to whisk it until it becomes smooth again or straining it through a sieve may help too. )

5. Pour custard into a jug and serve it at once.

6. To keep hot, stand the jug in hot water, and cover the top with cling film to prevent the skin forming.