Monday 21 July 2014

蜂蜜凹蛋糕 ~ Honey Concave Cake

从日本红到台湾的半熟蛋糕 !原本蛋糕体要烤得半熟的,但我不喜欢半熟的口感,所以就把烤至熟。如果你喜欢爆浆的口感,不妨将烤的时间减少10分钟。

食谱取自 名食谱@ 86


2 鸡蛋
3 蛋黄
20g 蜂蜜
30g 糖粉
1/4小匙 香草精
40g  低筋面粉

1. 先将118公分(7寸)烤盘内部铺上油纸,预热烤箱170c .

2. 将鸡蛋,蛋黄,蜂蜜和糖粉放入搅拌机,以快速打发,再转慢速搅拌一分钟。

4.将筛过的面粉加入,轻轻拌匀成面糊。把面糊倒入烤盘,盛入烤箱烘约25 ~ 30分钟,或至熟。 1

~ 1 / picture 1 ~
Recipe source : Famous Cuisine @ No.86

Honey Concave Cake

Ingredients :
2 eggs
3 eggs yolks
20g honey
30g icing sugar
1/4tsp vanilla essence
40g low protein flour

Method :
1. Line a 18cm ( 7 “ ) cake tin with baking paper . Preheat oven to 170c .

2. Whisk eggs , egg yolks , honey and icing sugar in an mixer over high speed until fluffy . Turn to low speed to whisk a minute .

3. Stir in vanilla essencw , mix well .

4. Fold in sifted flour to forms batter . Pour batter into prepared tin. Bake in oven for 25 ~ 30 minutes or until cooked  . ( If prefer half-cooked cake , you may reduce the baking time to 20 minutes ) . ( Picture 1 )

This post is linked to Cook-Your-Books # 14 , organized by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours .

1 comment:

  1. The cake looks very soft and spongy! And delicious!
    Thanks for linking with CYB!
