Friday 23 September 2016

自制浓缩桔子汁 ~ Calamansi Lime Juice Concentrate


食谱取自 : 盈想人生
材料 A  :
半公斤 桔子 ( 我用1公斤 桔子 )
2 冰片糖  ( 1 ½包 冰片糖 )
用具 :
做法 :
1. 准备1个大盆,里面装满水,加入2茶匙盐。将桔子放在盐水里浸泡10分钟后再过沥清水,轻轻地拥手洗净表皮,沥干水份。
2. 用小刀把桔子横切成两半,把种子挖出来,再挤出桔子汁。
3. 将挤好的桔子汁倒入小锅中,加入冰片糖,以小火煮至冰片糖完全溶化及浓稠即可熄火 ( 期间记得要搅拌以免 片糖 焦在底部 )
4. 待桔子汁完全冷却后,即可装入玻璃瓶,存入冰箱。要喝时,用干净的汤匙舀出3 ~ 4大匙泡热水即可饮用。
Recipe source :  privatekitchenslife
Calamansi Lime Juice Concentrate
Ingredients :
500g calamansi limes  ( I used 1kg calamansi limes )
2 packets brown sugar in pieces  ( 1 ½ packets brown sugar in pieces )
1tsp salt
Tools :
A clean and dry glass container
Method :
1. Soak calamansi limes with a pot of water and 1tsp salt for at least 10 minutes . Rinse it with water and slightly rub the lime skin with hand .Drained and dry the calamansi limes .
2. Cut the lime half and remove the seeds , squeeze out the juice  .
3. Pour the juice into a small pot , following with brown sugar ,bring it to boil in low heat . Keep stirring the juice until brown sugar dissolve and the juice become thicken . Turn off heat .
4. Let the juice cool down , pour into the glass container . Ready to keep in refrigerator . Before serving , dilute 3 ~ 4 tbsp calamansi lime juice concentrate with water to taste and chill thoroughly.



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