你们应该会觉得奇怪,为什么会有2个食谱? 原因很简单,我第1次的花生饼是用食谱 ( B ) . 但口感还欠少少哦 .我比较喜欢入口即化,酥酥的花生饼。我不甘心,又再一次的翻开之前炒下的花生饼食谱。无意中看到了Sze Min 的。这个食谱的花生油分量蛮多的,我大概只用了200 ~ 220ml . 而且面团比较软 , 口感也是我要的哦!
食谱 ( A ) :
材料 :
300g 花生 ( 炒香/烤香,去皮,打碎)
300g 面粉
180g 糖粉 ( 我用细糖 )
250ml 花生油
蛋液 ( 抹皮用 )
做法 :
1. 花生碎, 面粉和糖粉拌匀, 徐徐加入油拌成可搓成汤丸形的软团。( 油的部分要先保留50ml
~ 80ml , 等面团已经搅拌成团后再慢慢加入 )
2. 用手搓成小圆形( 我的是10g) , 放在烤盘, 抹上蛋液。
3. 放入预热180'C的烤箱, 烤25分钟。
Recipe source : Min's blog
Ingredients :
300g peanuts ( toast,
skinned and blend till fine with blender)
300g flour
180g icing sugar ( I used castor sugar )
250ml peanut oil ( I used 200 ~ 220ml )
egg wash
Method :
1. Sift flour and icing
sugar into a big bowl, add in ground peanuts. Add in oil until well combined.
2. Shape into small
balls ( mine is 10g each ) and brush the top with egg wash.
3. Bake in preheated
oven at 180'C for 25 minutes.
食谱 ( B ) :
食谱取自 :美味风采@第148期
材料 :
500g 花生 ( 炒香/烤香,去皮,打碎)
330g 细糖
500g 普通面粉
250g 花生油
蛋液 ( 搽面 )
Recipe source : Oriental Cuisine @ No.148
Ingredients :
500g peanuts ( toast,
skinned and blend till fine with blender)
500g flour
330g castor sugar
250g peanut oil
egg wash
** Method same as above
I’m submitting this
post to “ Best Recipes for Everyone Jan & Feb 2015 Event Theme: My Homemade
Cookies “ by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-host by Victoria Baking Into The Ether.

This post also linked
to " My Treasured Recipes # 5 - Chinese new year Goodies ( Jan / Feb 2015 ) " , hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and co-hosted
by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery House.