Sunday 26 June 2016

芒果优格鸡排 ~ Mango Yogurt Chicken Chop

食谱取自 : 鲜肉为煮


材料 A :
2  起骨全鸡腿
1/4茶匙 胡椒粉

材料 B :
1 鸡蛋 ( 打散 )

材料 C :
1/2 熟芒果 ( 切丁 )

材料 D :
2汤匙 炒香花生碎

1 熟芒果 ( 切丁 )
1 芒果乳酪
1茶匙 橄榄油
1汤匙 糖粉
1/2 柠檬 ( 取汁 )

混合沾炸粉 :
150g 面粉
2汤匙 粟米粉
1/4茶匙 胡椒粉

做法 :
1. 把全鸡腿起骨成排形状,清洗抹干水份后和其余材料A搅拌均匀腌10分钟。

2. 将芒果酱汁材料放入果汁机里打烂,倒入碗里和材料D搅拌均匀备用。

3. 把鸡排沾入混合炸粉里,用手压均匀。沾入蛋液后再沾入一次混合炸粉,用手压均匀。用中火将鸡排至金黄和熟透约1分钟,再回锅里炸数秒至脆身。取出备用。

4. 把芒果汁倒入碟里做底部,旁边放入熟芒果丁做装饰,鸡排斩件摆放入后淋上少许芒果酱汁和撒上适量的黑胡椒粉即可。

Recipe source : Meat Menu

Mango Yogurt Chicken Chop

Ingredients A :
2 deboned whole chicken leg
1/3tsp salt
1/4tsp pepper

Ingredients B :
1 egg ( beaten )

Ingredients C :
1/2 ripe mango ( diced )
some black pepper

Ingredients D :
2tbsp roasted crushed peanuts

Mango sauce ingredients :
1 ripe mango ( diced )
1 can mango yogurt
1tsp olive oil
1tbsp icing sugar
Juice of ½ lemon

Coating flour mixture :
150g flour
2tbsp cornflour
1/4tsp pepper

Method :
1. Rub deboned chicken leg with remaining ingredients A , marinate for 10 minutes .

2. Blend mango sauce ingredients finely , pour out and mix with ingredients D .

3. Coat chicken chop with flour mixture , then dip in beaten egg  , coat with flour mixture again and deep-fry until golden brown . Remove for 1 minute , deep fry again until crispy .

4. Pour some mango sauce onto plate , arrange diced mango on the side . Slice chicken chop and pour over mango sauce , sprinkle black pepper and serve .

咸菜焖炸肉 ~ Braised Salted Vegetables with Pork Belly

食谱取自 : 北马经典 ~ 风味煮炒


材料 :
1kg  花肉
2 炸油
50g 姜片
2大匙 蒜茸
2大匙 葱头仔碎
1 红辣椒 ( 去籽,切片 )

腌料 :
2 南乳
1大匙 生抽
2大匙 麻油
1/2小匙 五香粉
1小匙 胡椒粉
200g 粟粉

调味料 :
2大匙 蚝油
1大匙 麻油

做法 :
1. 把花肉切块 ,加入腌料拌匀 ,腌1小时。

2. 拌入粟粉,打入鸡蛋拌匀,放入热炸油里,用中火炸至金黄色和干身,捞起沥干油。

3. 把咸菜切2寸小段 ,拌入2大匙盐和1碗水,搅匀,浸泡15分钟让它的咸度减低,扭干水,再放入清水里浸泡2小时 ,扭干水 ,再清洗1次后扭干水 ,放入滚水里煮5分钟捞起,挤干水待用。

4. 烧热锅,用2大匙油爆香姜片,蒜茸和葱头仔碎,加入处理好的咸菜炒至干水。

5. 加入炸好的肉和调味料煮滚 ,转小火焖1小时,加入红辣椒片煮多2分钟 ,即可上桌

Recipe source : Classic Hawkers’ Fare from The North

Braised Salted Vegetables with Pork Belly

Ingredients :
1kg pork belly
600g local slated vegetables
2 cups oil for deep-frying
2tbsp oil
50g sliced ginger
2tbsp chopped garlic
2tbsp chopped shallots
1 red chilli ( seeded and cut into slices )

Marinade :
2 blocks fermented red bean curd
1tbsp light soy sauce
1/2tsp five spice powder
1tsp pepper
5tbsp water
200g cornstarch
1 egg

Seasoning :
2tbsp oyster sauce
1tbsp sugar
1tbsp sesame oil
1500ml water

Method :
1. Cut pork belly into thick pieces . Combine with marinade and marinate for 1 hour  .

2. Ad in cornstarch and stir well . Break in egg and mix well . Deep-fry pork belly in hot oil with medium heat until golden brown and dry . Dish and drain .

3. Cut salted vegetables into 2 ” sections . Mix salted vegetables with 2tbsp salt , add in 1 bowl water and mix well . Soak for 15 minutes to reduce the saltiness of the vegetable . Squeeze salted vegetable and soak in clean water for 2 hours . Squeeze dry and wash again . Squeeze out the excess water and blanch in boiling water for 15 minutes . Drain and squeeze dry , set aside .

4. Heat up 2tbsp oil in wok , saute sliced ginger , chopped garlic and shallots until aromatic . Add in the blanched salted vegetables and stir-fry until dry .

5. Add in fried pork , seasoning and bring to boil . Lower the heat and simmer for 1 hour . Add in sliced chilli and cook for 2 minutes . Dish up and serve  .

Sunday 19 June 2016

虾酱蒜茸蒸鲜鱿 ~ Steamed Squid with Garlic

食谱取自 : 美味风采 @ 69


材料 :
6 鲜鱿鱼
20g  姜丝
1/2汤匙 蒜茸
10g 葱粒 ( 切粒 )
10g 红辣椒 ( 切粒 )

调味料 :
2茶匙 咸虾酱
2茶匙 蚝油
2茶匙 绍兴酒
1/4茶匙 胡椒粉
3茶匙 生粉

做法 :
1. 鲜鱿鱼洗净,切界(不要切断),沥干水份。

2. 将鲜鱿鱼加入所有材料和调味料捞均匀。

3. 把鲜鱿鱼叠平在碟上,放入蒸笼。

4. 大火蒸7分钟,取出。

Recipe source : Oriental Cuisine @ No . 69

Steamed Squid with Garlic

Ingredients :
6pcs squid
20g ginger ( shredded )
1/2tbsp garlic ( chopped )
10g spring onion ( chopped )
10g red chili ( chopped )

Seasoning :
2tsp shrimp paste
1tsp sugar
2tsp oyster sauce
2tsp rice wine
1/4tsp pepper
3tsp corn flour

Method :
1. Wash and clean squids , cross-cut the surface ( but keep intact ) , drain .

2. Mix squid with other ingredients and seasoning and then spread evenly .

3. Flatten the squids on plate and put into steamer.

4. Steam in high heat for 7 minutes , dish out and serve  .

Tuesday 14 June 2016

脆粒面包布丁 ~ Crumble Bread Pudding

食谱取自 : 名食谱 @ 38


材料 :
3 烘香面包
200ml  鲜奶
30g 牛油
20g 幼糖
1/4小匙  香草精
1/2小匙  柠檬皮削
1 鸡蛋

脆粒材料 :
80g 普通面粉
20g 细砂糖
40g 牛油

做法 :
1. 将面包切边,然后切成2.5公分(1寸)丁块,排入烘碗里。

2. 将牛奶煮温,倒进烘碗内泡面包丁约30分钟,预热烤箱175度。

3. 将置软的牛油和糖搅均匀,加入香草精和柠檬皮削 ,拌入鸡蛋。

4. 将鸡蛋混合物倒入。

5. 脆粒 : 将面粉和砂糖混合均匀,加入牛油,搓成粒状,洒在面包布丁上。

6. 盛入烤箱烘约30分钟或至金黄色,趁热享用。

Recipe source : Famous Cuisine @ No . 38

Crumble Bread Pudding

Ingredients :
3 slices toasted bread
200ml milk
30g butter
20g caster sugar
1/4tsp vanilla essence
1/2tsp grated lemon rind
1 egg

Crumble ingredients :
80g plain flour
20g caster sugar
40g butter

Method :
1. Cut off the sides of breads and slice into 2.5cm ( 1-inch ) squares . Arrange into casserole .

2. Warm the milk . Pour over breads and soak for 30 minutes . Meanwhile , pre-heat oven to 175c.

3. Stir soften butter with sugar . Add in vanilla essence and lemon rind . Stir in egg until well combined .

4. Pour egg mixture over soaked breads .

5. To make crumble : Rub the butter into combined of flour and sugar .Then sprinkle over egg mixture .

6. Bake in oven for 30 minutes or until golden brown . Serve hot  .

Sunday 12 June 2016

越南烤香茅肉丸 / 越南烤肉丸春卷 ~ Vietnamese Roasted Lemongrass Pork Balls / Vietnamese Pork Ball Spring Rolls

食谱取自 : 新新饮食@ 101


材料 :
600g 猪肉碎

香料 :
1 香茅 切碎
1小匙 黑胡椒碎
1小匙 粟粉
2大匙 鱼露

做法 :
1. 肉碎加入香料充分拌匀。

2. 肉碎做成小丸。然后用竹签将3粒一串插好。

3. 将串好的肉丸放入冰箱冷藏3 ~ 5 小时,至外皮有点干燥即可

4. 取出肉丸串,放在烤架上烤至熟,或放在平底锅里煎至熟即可,盛起。


材料 :
10 越南米纸
10 生菜叶
200g 冬粉 ( 浸软,烫熟 )

沾酱 :
2大匙 鱼露
2大匙 温水
1小匙 指天椒
1 酸柑 ( 取汁 )

做法 :
1. 摊开米纸 ,涂抹上水软化,铺上生菜,米粉和九层塔。

2. 将烤肉丸切半加入,然后卷起。

3. 沾上沾酱即可享用。

Recipe source : YumYum Magazine @ No.101

Vietnamese Roasted Lemongrass Pork Balls

Ingredients :
600g minced pork
some bamboo skewers

Spices :
1 stalk lemongrass ( chopped )
1tsp ground black pepper
1tsp cornstarch
1tbsp sugar
2tbsp fish sauce
1/2tsp salt

Method :
1. Combine minced pork with spices .

2. Divide into small balls . Thread 3 balls onto each skewers .

3. Freeze for 3 ~ 5 hours or until the surface turned slightly dry .

4. Grill or pan-fry the meatballs in skillet pan until cooked . Dish up and serve .

Vietnamese Pork Ball Spring Rolls

Ingredients :
10 Vietnamese rice wrappers
10 pieces lettuce leaves
200g glass noodles ( soaked and blanched )
some Thai basil leaves
some roasted lemongrass pork balls

Dipping sauce :
2tbsp fish sauce
1/2tbsp sugar
2tbsp warm water
1tsp chilli padi
Juice of 1 lime

Method :
1. Lay a piece of spring roll wrapper on a work surface . Arrange lettuce leaf , glass noodles and Thai basil leaves on top  .

2. Cut each meatball into half and put onto the basil leaves . Wrap up .

3. Serve with dipping sauce .

香茅酸梅鸡片 ~ Sweet & Sour Chicken with Lemongrass

食谱取自 : 北马经典 ~ 风味煮炒


300g 鸡胸肉 ( 切片 )
2大匙 面粉
1/2 木薯粉
4 炸油
1 香茅 ( 切丝 )
3 葱头仔 ( 切丝 )

1小匙  蚝油
1/4小匙 胡椒粉
1/4小匙 麻油

汁料 :
3大匙 酸梅酱
2大匙 番茄酱

做法 :
1. 把鸡肉片加入腌料,充分拌匀,腌30分钟。然后加入面粉拌匀。

2. 把腌好的肉片沾上木薯粉,放置5分钟待反潮,放入热油里,用大火炸至金黄色,捞起,沥干油待用。

3. 1大匙油炒香香茅和葱头仔,加入汁料煮滚,放入炸好的鸡肉片,快速炒匀即可盛起。

Recipe source : Classic Hawkers’ Fare from The North

Sweet & Sour Chicken with Lemongrass

Ingredients :
300g chicken breast meat ( sliced )
2tbsp plain flour
1/2 tapioca flour
4 cups oil for deep-frying
1 stalk lemongrass ( shredded )
3 shallots ( shredded )

Marinade :
1/2tsp salt
1tsp oyster sauce
1/4tsp pepper
1/4tsp sesame oil
2tbsp tomato sauce
120ml water

Sauce :
3tbsp plum sauce
1/2tbsp sugar
1/4tsp salt
2tbsp tomato sauce
120ml water

Method :
1. Combine chicken with marinade and stir well . Marinate for 30 minutes . Add in plain flour and mix well .

2. Coat marinated chicken with tapioca flour and leave for 5 minutes before adding into hot oil . Deep-fry in hot oil at high heat until golden brown . Dish and drain .

3. Leave 1tbsp oil  in wok , stir-fry lemongrass and shallots until aromatic . Add in sauce and bring to boil , add in fried chicken and stir-fry quickly until well mixed . Dish up and serve  .