Friday 17 April 2015

炒粿角 ~ Fried Rice Cake

后来看到Wendy 美女post的食谱,不管啦就用这个吧。。。
食谱取自 Wendywendy Woon
材料 A
500g 白粥
80g 面粉
100g  粟粉 / 木薯粉
50 ~ 100ml 清水
材料 B :
2大匙 蒜茸
半包  甜菜脯
3 鸡蛋 打散
100g 豆芽
50g  韭菜 / 青葱 ( 切段 )
调味料 甜咸度请自行调整 ):
幼糖适量 如果用abc 甜酱,就不必放糖了)
2.然后倒入已涂了薄油的蒸盘(我用7寸四方盘),放入热水以大火蒸25分钟或至熟(用筷子叉入,没沾粘筷子就表示熟了)。取出,待完全冷却即可切块。( 备注 * 米糊的浓稠度请自行拿捏,别太稀就可以了。)
3.  不沾锅里倒入少许油,将整盘已切小块的粿角煎至微黄,盛起备用。
Recipe source : Wendywendy Woon
Fried Rice cake
Ingredients A :
500g white porridge
80g all-purpose flour
100g corn flour / tapioca flour
50 ~ 100ml water
1tsp salt
Ingredients B :
2tbsp chopped garlic
1/2 packet sweet pickled radish ( chai poh )
3 eggs ( lightly beaten )
100g beansprout
50g chives / spring onion ( cut into section , about 4 ~ 5cm )
Seasoning ( to taste  ) :
light soy sauce
dark soy sauce
caster sugar ( if you are using ABC sweet sauce , may omit it )
Method :
1. In a mixing bowl combine all ingredients A , until it become a thick paste .
2. Pour into a 7” square pan ( greased with some oil ) and steam over boiling water for about 25minutes  or until cooked  . Cut into small cubes .
3. In a non-stick pan , heat oil and fry rice cake till lightly browned and slightly crisp . Drain excess oil and set aside .
4. Heat pan with some oil , sauté chopped garlic and sweet pickled radish . Fry till aromatic .Push the pickled radish to the side of the pan and pour eggs into the pan . Allow it to set slightly  , then add in fried rice cake and seasoning  ( except pepper ) . Stir-fry and toss until well combined .
5. Finally add in beansprouts , chives / spring onion and pepper . Toss unti well combined . Serve hot  .

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