Thursday 18 September 2014

甜菜根双色吐司 ~ Beetroot Loaf

食谱取自 原味 --- Carol 100道无添加纯天然手感面包+30款面包与果酱美味配方提案

12兩帶盖吐司模1 (20cmX10cmX10cm)

40g  甜菜根
80cc  冷水
140g  高筋面粉
10g  低筋面粉
10g  全脂奶粉
1/4茶匙 速發干酵母
15g  细砂糖
15g  无盐奶油

140g  高筋面粉
10g  低筋面粉
10g  全脂奶粉
1/4茶匙 速發干酵母
15g  细砂糖
15g  无盐奶油
1  鸡蛋
50cc 冷水

表面装饰 全蛋液适量


2. 分別將甜菜根面团及鸡蛋面团所有材料(奶油除外)放入钢盆中搅拌搓揉成为一個不黏手的面团.( 液体的部份可以先保留20 ~ 30cc, 在面团已经搅拌成团后再慢慢加入 )

3. 再將奶油加入继续搅拌搓揉成为撐的起薄膜的面团。面团滾圆 ,收口朝下捏紧放入抹少许油的盆中.

4. 发酵1 ~ .5小時至2倍大.

5. 第一次酵完成的面团用手将空气压出, 然后滚圆。再休息20分钟.

6. 分別将2個面团用桿面棍桿成与烤模同宽的长方形。将2個面团疊上,稍微拉整齐。再用桿面棍桿平整。(图1
                                                ~ 1 / picture 1 ~

7. 将面团由一则紧密卷起,用刀平均切成3条(面皮上保留2 ~ 3cm 不要切断 )。切开的面皮交错编成麻花状。编好辫子的面团两端收口捏紧,放入吐司模中。再发酵约1個小時至滿模。(图2
                                             ~ 2 / picture 2 ~

8. 烘烤前表面轻轻刷上一层蛋液。放入已经预热到170度的烤箱中,烘烤38分钟.

9. 烤好的吐司从烤模中倒出來在架子上放涼。完全凉透后,再用面包专用刀切片。

Recipe source : Original Flavour by Carol  , page 224

Beetroot Loaf

Ingredients :
For beetroot dough
40g beetroot
800cc water
140g high protein / bread flour
10g low protein flour
10g full cream milk powder
1/4tsp instant yeast
15g castor sugar
1/8tsp salt
15g unsalted butter

For plain dough
140g high protein / bread flour
10g low protein flour
10g full cream milk powder
1/4tsp instant yeast
15g castor sugar
1/8tsp salt
15g unsalted butter
1 egg
50cc water

For egg wash :  1 beaten egg

Method :
1. Beetroot cut into cubed , add in 80cc water and blend until puree .

2. Add all ingredients for beetroot dough ( except unsalted butter  ) into the mixing bowl and start knead with speed 1 or 2 to let it comes into a rough dough. Continue mixing into a smooth dough.

3. Add in butter continue knead into a smooth and elastic dough.  Repeat the same step for plain dough .

4. Put into a bowl  and proof for 60 ~ 90 minutes or dough double its size.

5. Punch down the dough to expel air , roll round and let it sit for 20 minutes.

6. Roll out the beetroot and plain dough flat rectangle ( almost same size with the loaf mould ) . Stack the beetroot dough on top of plain dough .( Picture 1 )

7. Roll up into log shape ,tucking the ends under . Cut the dough into 3 ( please retain 2 ~ 3cm on top of the dough and do not cut it   ) .Cross the logs over each other to create a plait. Tuck in each end under the loaf. Loosely cover with plastic wrap and set aside for 60 minutes or until dough double its size. ( Picture 2 )

8. Use a pastry brush to lightly brush egg mixture evenly over the loaf. Bake in preheated oven at 170c  for 38 minutes.

9. Remove from oven and cool on wire rack .

I’m submitting this post to Cook-Your-Books # 16 , hosted by Joyce from Kitchen Flavours .


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kit Wai,
    Such a gorgeous loaf! Love the attractive colours and the bread looks very soft and yummy!
    I wish that Carol's books are bilingual!
    Thanks for linking with CYB!
