Wednesday 13 January 2016

一团和气万事胜 ( 中式鸡卷 ) ~ Harmony Chicken Roll

食谱取自 风采中文杂志第626

一团和气万事胜 ( 中式鸡卷 )

4只全鸡腿( 去骨

2汤匙 生抽
1/2茶匙 黑酱油
1汤匙 蚝油
1茶匙 麻油
1汤匙 绍兴酒

1条香肠  我用4煎香了的素鱼 )
4 芦笋  (  我用8青葱段 )
1 红萝卜  (  4粗条 )

搽料 搅拌均匀 ) 
2汤匙 麻油
2汤匙  蜜糖

1. 芦笋和红萝卜放入沸水中,各加1汤匙糖和油灼烫好。

2. 鸡腿摊开切成扒形,有筋部位以刀割断,以防烤时鸡肉卷缩。

3. 以腌料腌鸡肉至少半小时。

4. 把配料每样取一份排入鸡扒上,然后卷紧再用麻绳捆绑。

5. 移入已预热的烤箱以180度烤约25分钟或至熟 。中途打开烤箱,把搽酱涂在鸡皮上,烤至金黄色便可取出。切片享用。

Recipe source : Feminine @ No . 626

Harmony Chicken Roll

Ingredients :
4 pieces chicken thighs ( boneless )
kitchen string

Marinade :
2tbsp soy sauce
1/2tsp dark soy sauce
1tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp sesame oil
1tbsp ShaoXing wine
1tsp salt
1tsp sugar

Filling :
1 sausage  ( I replaced it with 4 fried vegetarian fish )
4 asparagus ( I replaced it with 8 spring onion , cut into section )
1 carrot ( cut into 4 thick strip )

Skin coating  ( mix well ) :
2tbsp sesame oil

2tbsp honey

Method :
1. In a pot of boiling water , add in 1tsp sugar and  1tsp oil . Then blanch carrot and asparagus in boiling water .

2. Butterfly chicken thighs and cut off its muscle to prevent the meat over extract during cooking  .
3. Season chicken pieces with marinade , marinate for 30 minutes .

4. Roll up with filling and truss chicken with kitchen string .

5. Bake in pre-heated oven at 180c for 25 minutes or till cooked  . While baking , brush the chicken with the skin coating mixture and bake till golden brown . Cut into pieces and serve .

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