Friday 8 January 2016

西式烤鸡 ~ Roast Chicken with Mixed Mushroom Stuffing and Onion Gravy

鸡精粉  / Chicken stock powder

材料 :
全鸡 1
125g 奶油 ( 牛油 )
2大匙 黑胡椒粉
小匙 新鲜百里香
1小匙 鼠尾草干 我用Italian herb seasoning

1  1/2 烤香蘑菇 oyster , button , shiitake or Portobello mushroom
1 煮熟栗子
1 鼠尾草干 我用Italian herb seasoning
3大匙 橄榄油
1/2小匙 黑胡椒粉
1  1/2小匙 
1大匙 荷兰芹 / 巴西里
1大匙 蒜粉

蔬菜配料 :
1  1/2大匙 橄榄油
2大匙 枫糖浆
300g 樱桃番茄
200g 西兰花( 灼熟
300g 马铃薯 去皮,切块,蒸熟
1西葫芦( 切片)
1大匙 新鲜百里香
2大匙 奶油

1. 把鸡冲洗干净,滴干水后再以纸巾里外抹干. 鸡肉先用盐和黑胡椒粉全身上下和腹腔都抹一遍后放冰箱冷藏。在另一个大碗里,把馅料里的材料搅拌均匀。

2. 把馅料填入鸡腹,以牙签或柠檬封口。用牛油,新鲜百里香和鼠尾草干涂满鸡的表面,如果想皮脆和香,将牛油抹到鸡皮和肉之间的空间里。将鸡腿用粗棉绳绑好。

3. 将马铃薯,樱桃番茄和西葫芦放到烤盘上,加入适量的橄榄油,枫糖浆和盐一起混合。将鸡放在上层的烤架,以200度烤60分钟。烤到差不多中段时可以再淋上枫糖浆和涂上少许的橄榄油在鸡的表面,然后烤多25 ~ 30分钟或至熟.( 以尖器插入鸡腿最厚处,流出的汁必须是透明的。)

4. 烤好前的5分钟加入灼熟的西兰花。

5. 把烤熟的鸡取出,盖上铝箔,30分钟后即可享用。

Roast Chicken with Mixed Mushroom Stuffing

Ingredients :
1 large free-range chicken
125g butter
1tbsp sea salt
2tbsp black pepper
2tsp fresh thyme
1tsp dried sage ( I replaced it with Italian herbs seasoning )

Stuffing :
3 cups breadcrumbs
1 1/2cup grilled mushrooms ( mixture of oyster , button , shiitake or Portobello mushroom  )
1tbsp dried sage  ( I replaced it with Italian herbs seasoning )
1 cup chestnut ( boiled )
3tbsp vegetable oil or olive oil
1 no egg
1tsp sea salt
1/2tsp cracked pepper
1 1/2tsp sugar
1tbsp chopped parsley
2pcs bay leaves
1tbsp garlic powder
Vegetable for baking :
1 1/2tbsp olive oil
2tbsp maple syrup
300g cherry tomatoes
200g broccoli  ( blanched )
300g potato ( peel , cut into cubes and steamed  )
1 zucchini   ( sliced )
1tbsp fresh thyme sprigs
a pinch of salt and pepper
2tbsp butter
some toothpicks or lemon ( cut into half )

Method :
1. Clean and pat dry chicken . Rub chicken with salt and pepper then place in a large bowl and let it marinate in the refrigerator . In another bowl , mix all the stuffing ingredients together and give it a good toss .

2. Spoon stuffing into the cavity of the chicken and seal the opening  . Separate the skin of the chicken with your fingers  . Rub butter and herbs in between the skin and meat . Truss chicken with kitchen string .

3. Place the pumpkin on the base of the baking dish . Drizzle with some olive oil and half of the maple syrup and season with pepper . Put chicken on top and bake in a pre-heated oven at 220c  for 60 minutes . Turn pumpkin and add cherry tomatoes to pan . Drizzle with remaining maple syrup  . Roast for 25  ~ 30 minutes or until juices run clear when chicken thigh is pierced with a skewer .

4. Add brocolli to roasting pan in the last 5 minutes of cooking  .

5. Remove chicken and wrap with aluminium foil and let it rest for 30 minutes before carving  .


材料 A :
30g  奶油
100g  黄皮洋葱 切碎
330g 热水或鸡高汤
30g 鸡精粉

材料 B :
8g  奶油
8g  面粉

1. 将奶油煮溶,爆香黄皮洋葱至软。加入材料A的水煮至滚,然后以小火,加盖再煮多5分钟。熄火后加入鸡精粉。

2. 在另一个锅里,将材料B的奶油煮溶后加入面粉。然后再倒入70g的水,盐和黑胡椒粉,搅拌均匀后试味。

3. 将(2)倒入(1)里,搅拌均匀即可配烤鸡吃。

Onion Gravy

Ingredients A :
30g butter 
100g yellow onion ( finely chopped )
330g hot water or chicken stock
30g chicken gravy powder

Ingredients B  :
8g butter
8g plain flour
70g water
a pinch of salt
a pinch of black pepper

Method :
1. In a saucepan , sauté the onion in the oil until softened and almost starting to brown . Add the 330g hot water and bring to boil , lower heat to simmer and covered for about 5 minutes . Turn off heat and stir in the chicken gravy powder .

2. In another saucepan , melt the butter ( ingredients B )  and stir in the flour to make a roux . Slowly add in the 70g water , then pepper and salt .

3. Stir the gravy mixture into the roux mixture to combine to combine . Check the consistency ( thickness ) and taste ; adjust with water or seasoning if necessary . Serve with roast chicken .

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