Sunday 20 March 2016

千层酿豆腐 ~ Thousand-layer Stuffed Beancurd

食谱取自 张莉婵 @ 巧手菜全是真功夫 !


5 白豆干

300g 肉碎
200g 虾肉碎
1汤匙 芫荽碎
1汤匙 葱粒
1汤匙 玉米粉

150g 脆粉

1. 先把豆干切成三角形,再切成薄片。

2. 材料B 放入碗内,朝同一个方向搅匀。

3. 慢慢和轻轻的将1茶匙肉碎混合料涂在每片豆干上,然后一层层叠起。

4. 将所有面糊材料放入碗内,搅拌成幼滑面糊。

5. 锅中烧热油,将面糊均匀淋在豆干上。

6. 轻轻将豆干放入热油内,炸至金黄色。

7. 取出后切半,然后排在碟上,趁热与辣椒酱一同享用。

Recipe source :  Traditional Handmade Dishes by Patsie Cheong

Thousand-layer Stuffed Beancurd

Ingredient A :
5pcs dried bean curd

Ingredients B :
300g minced meat
200g minced prawn
1tbsp chopped coriander
1tbsp chopped spring onion
1tbsp corn flour
salt and pepper to taste

Batter :
150g crispy flour
150ml water
2tbsp oil
salt and pepper to taste

Method :
1. Cut bean curd into triangular shape , and then cut into thin slices .

2. Mix ingredients B in a mixing bowl  and stir in one direction .

3. Slowly and lightly spread 1tsp of the meat mixture onto each bean curd slice , and stack them up ( layer by layer ) .

4. Mix all batter ingredients in a bowl and stir until the batter is smooth .

5. Heat up some oil  , pour batter all over the bean curd .

6. Place bean curd lightly into hot oil and deep –fry until golden brown .

7. Remove and cut each into halves . Arrange them on a serving plate and serve hot with chilli sauce .

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