Wednesday 24 June 2015

当归猪手 ~ Braised Pork Trotter with Chinese Herbs


食谱取自 Apple Wong


1 猪手
6 红枣 (去籽
5 当归

2大匙 蚝油
2大匙 生抽
1小匙 黑酱油
3大匙 绍兴酒
1 大匙  薯粉水 勾芡用)

1. 猪手放进滚水中煮5分钟, 捞起洗净沥干水分。

2. 烧热油 爆香姜,加入川,红枣 和当归炒香。

3. 加入猪手,水和调味料煮滚。转小火焖2个小时至软。剩下的汁料加入薯粉水,淋在猪手上即可享用。


Recipe source : Apple Wong

Braised Pig Trotter with Chinese Herbs

Ingredients :
1 pig trotter
3 slices ginger
10 slices chuan xiong ( Ligusticum )
6 pieces red dates ( seeded )
5 slices dang gui
800ml water

Seasonings :
2tbsp oyster sauce
2tbsp soy sauce
1tsp dark soy sauce
1/2tbsp sugar
some pepper
3tbsp Shaoxing wine
1tbsp cornstarch water ( for thickening )

Method :
1. Bring a pot of water to boil , add in pig trotter and cook for 5 minutes  . Rinse and drain excess water .

2. Heat wok with some oil , sauté sliced ginger , chuan qong , red dates and dang gui  .

3. Add in pig trotter , water and seasonings . Bring to boil and turn to low heat , simmer for 2 hours until pig trotter is soft .  Then add in cornstarch water and pour sauce over the pig trotter . Serve with rice .

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