Friday 21 March 2014

焦糖布丁蛋糕 ~ Caramel Custard Cake

食谱取自 carol自在生活
焦糖食谱取自 Kathrine Kwa


热水 3汤匙
细砂糖 80g

焦糖做法 :
1. 把糖放入一个小锅里 ,以小火煮至糖溶解及转成焦糖(糖还未溶解前请勿搅拌)。加入热水再煮至焦糖溶入水中。

2. 将煮好的焦糖倒入6寸圆模中,旋转以至焦糖流遍盆底,放置一旁备用。

材料 :
鮮奶 200ml
物性鲜奶油 50g
全蛋2 (净重约110g)
细砂糖3 5g
香草精 1/2茶匙

* 动物性鮮奶油50g也可以使用全脂牛奶40ml代替*

鸡蛋布丁做法 :
1. 将鮮奶,一半份量的细砂糖及动物性鮮奶油放入鍋中加若煮至砂糖融化关火。

2. 鸡蛋加剩下的另一半细砂糖用搅拌器打散混合均勻。

3. 将微温的牛奶液慢慢一点一点加入,一边加入一边搅拌.然后加入香草精搅拌均勻。

4. 搅拌均勻的鸡蛋牛奶液用沥干网过沥备用。

鸡蛋 2 (重约100g , 鸡蛋先用50度温水浸泡5分钟至温热)
细砂糖 40g
低筋面粉50g (过篩
无盐奶油20g  ( 融化 )


2.然后将已经过篩的低筋面粉分2次加入以切拌方式混合均勻( 不要过度搅拌以避免面粉产生筋性影响口感)

3. 再将融化的奶油加入以切拌方式混合均勻。事先完成的布丁液倒入已经鋪有焦糖的烤模中。再将海面蛋糕面糊倒在布丁液上

4. 烤盘注入沸水,水深至少至烤模的1公分高度

5. 放入已经预热至160C的烤箱中烘烤10分钟 ,然後将烤箱温度直接调成150度再字继续烘烤35分钟 ,竹签插入蛋糕中间沒有沾粘即可出炉就放入冰箱中冷藏冰透(表面要密封才放冰箱,避免干燥)

6. 隔天用小刀贴緊烤模边缘画一圈倒扣脫模即可。

1. 布丁液比较重,海棉面糊比较轻 ,所以2者不会混合在一块。

2. 倒扣的時候多少会有一些焦糖液沾在蛋糕边緣但是不影项口感。

3. 烤模不需要抹油也不需要鋪紙,因为底部有焦糖液,所以只要用刀在烤模边緣画一圈就可以倒扣脫模。

4. 烤模不可以使用分离式的, 鸡蛋布丁液会漏出來

Recipe source : caroleasylife
Caramel recipe : Kathrine Kwa

Caramel Custard Cake
6 " mould
For Caramel
Ingredients :
80g sugar
3tbsp hot water

Method :
1. Melt sugar in a sauce pan until golden brown ( do not stir until it become golden brown ) . Once it starts bubbling, stir in hot water then remove from heat.

2. Then fill mould with caramel. Swirl the mould to coat bottom of mould when the caramel is still hot. Set aside for later use .

For Custard
Ingredients :
200ml fresh milk
50g heavy cream
2 whole eggs ( about 110g )
50g sugar
1/2tsp vanilla essence

* 50g of heavy cream can substitute with 40ml full cream milk *

Method :
1. In a pot , add in fresh milk , heavy cream and half of the sugar . Bring to boil on low heat until sugar dissolve .

2. In a mixing bowl, lightly whisk eggs with the remaining sugar.

3. Then pour in milk in stream, whisk rapidly until well blended and add in vanilla essence .

4. Strain the mixture and set aside .


For the sponge cake
Ingredient :
2 whole eggs about 100g and soaked in warm water for 5 minutes
40g sugar
50g superfine flour ( sieved )
20g unsalted butter ( melted )

Method :
1. In a clean mixing bowl, beat eggs and sugar until well-combined . Continue beating at high speed for about 8 ~ 10 minutes until light and fluffy .

2. Then add in flour in 2 batches and fold with spatula . ( do not over mix / fold ).

3. Add in melted butter until well-combined . Pour the egg custard mixture into the caramel syrup coated mould . Then pour the cake batter on the back of a big spoon into the custard mixture. The batter will float on top of the custard mixture . Do not stir.

4. Fill a baking tray that's big enough to accommodate the cake pan and fill with hot water , about 1cm .

5. Bake at pre-heated oven at 160c for 10minutes , then turn to 150c and continue to bake for 35minutes . Test with a cocktail stick. The cocktail stick should feel sticky when the flan at the bottom is cooked.  Leave to cool in the pan. Cover with aluminium foil and refrigerate .

6. Run a sharp knife around the sides of the cake pan before inverting into a serving dish to serve.


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