Tuesday 6 May 2014

乡村早餐薄煎饼 ~ Country Style Pancakes

食谱取自 平底锅薄煎饼 & 热松饼,12


面糊材料 (A)
低筋面粉  180g
泡打粉   2小匙
细砂糖   2大匙

材料 (B)
鸡蛋  1
牛奶  180ml
融化奶油   2大匙

** 香脆培根
培根  6 ~ 8
沙拉油/食油  少许

** 美式炒蛋
鸡蛋  4
盐,黑胡椒 各少许


1. 混合B的材料,放入钢盘中,用搅拌器混拌后,加入A搅拌均匀。   1 )

~ 1 / picture 1 ~

2. 将面糊倒入加热了沙拉油的平底锅中,煎烘两面至熟.  ( 2)
~ 2/ picture 2 ~

3. 煎培根 在平底锅内薄薄地涂抹上沙拉油,用小火慢慢将培根煎至香脆。

4. 美式炒蛋 将盐,黑胡椒加入鸡蛋中打散混拌,放进加热了沙拉油的平底锅中拌炒。

5. 将薄煎饼,培根,美式炒蛋一起盛盘,即可配上糖浆和奶油享用。

Recipe source : Frying pan pancakes & Hotcakes @ page 12

Country Style Pancakes

Batter ingredients (A) :
180g all-purpose flour
2tsp baking powder
2tbsp caster sugar
1/2tsp salt

Ingredients (B) :
1 egg
180ml fresh milk
2tbsp melted butter

Side dish ingredients :
** Crispy bacon
bacon 6 ~ 8 slices
some cooking oil

** Scrambled egg
4 eggs
salt and black pepper to taste
some cooking oil

maple syrup and butter

Method :
1. Mix all ingredients B in a bowl , use a ballon whisk beat until well-combined . Add in A , mix well until smooth . ( Picture 1 )

2.  Heat a lightly oiled frying pan over medium heat . Pour or scoop the batter onto the frying pan , using approximately 1/4cup  for each pancake . Brown on both sides . ( Picture 2 )

3. For crispy bacon , heat the frying pan with some oil  . Fry the bacon until crispy .

4. For scrambled egg ,  lightly whisk the eggs , add in salt and black pepper . Heat frying pan with some oil  , pour in the egg mixture and let it sit , without stirring for 20 seconds . Stir with wooden spoon , lifting and folding it over from the bottom of the pan .  Repeat until the eggs are softly set and slightly runny , then remove from the heat .

5. Place the pancakes , bacon and scrambled egg on a plate . Serve with maple syrup and butter .

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, and Doreen of my little favourite DIY , hosted by Tze of Awayofmind Bakery House .


  1. Kit Wai, I saw a big piece of bacon in the middle!

    Thanks for linkup with LTU!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi , Tze . Thanks for dropping by .
