Tuesday 11 October 2016

吐拿鱼瑞士卷 ~ Tuna Savoury Swissroll


食谱取自 :  美味风采 @ 83
材料 A  :
40g 玉米油
40ml 鲜奶
70g 特幼面粉
20g 鲜莳萝  ( 剁碎 )
材料 B :
4 蛋白
70g 细砂糖
¼ 茶匙 塔塔粉 ( 我没放 )

馅料 :
1 吐拿鱼 ( 滴干水 )
2 ~ 3大匙 美奶滋 / 蛋黄酱

瑞士卷烘盘 ( 14” X 10” , 铺防油纸  )

1. 把材料A的蛋黄,鲜奶和玉米油混合,手打搅拌至均匀 ( 确保没有粒状物)

2. 将材料B的蛋白和塔塔粉打至起泡后,分3次加入幼糖打发成硬性泡沫。

3. 1/3打好的B料加入A料轻轻拌匀,再加入1/3  B料轻轻拌匀,才加入其余的蛋白轻轻拌匀。

4. 然后倒入烘盘。 送进烤箱里140度烤20分钟,再调至160度烤多10分钟,取出待冷。

5. 馅料 : 将全部材料混合均匀即可。

6. 撕出蛋糕纸,在将要卷起的蛋糕那一端用刀切3 ~ 4道痕,在蛋糕上涂上吐拿鱼馅料,然后再卷起,待定形,即可切片享用。

贴士 : 吃不完的吐拿鱼瑞士卷须放入冰箱,以免吐拿鱼出水。

Recipe source : Oriental Cuisine @ No. 83

Tuna Savoury Swiss Roll

For the cake
Ingredients A
4 egg yolks
40g corn oil
40ml fresh milk
70g superfine flour
20g fresh dill ( finely chopped )

Ingredients B :
4 egg whites
70g castor sugar
¼ tsp cream of tartar ( I omit it )

Filling :
1 tin tuna flakes ( drained )
2 ~ 3tbsp mayonnaise
1tsp salt
some pepper to taste

14” x 10” swiss roll pan ( lined with greaseproof paper )

Method :
1. In a mixing bowl , combine ingredients A and mix well .

2. Whisk egg whites and cream of tartar ( ingredients B ) until frothy . Add in castor sugar in 3 batches and continue to beat until stiff peaks formed .

3. Combine 1/3 of egg white mixture with mixture A and stir well . Add 1/3 of egg white mixture and stir gently . Lastly mix in the remaining egg white till well combined .

4. Pour the batter into the lined baking tray and bake in preheated oven at 140c for 20 minutes . Increase the heat to 160c and bake for another 10 minutes . Remove and leave to cool .

5. For the filling : Combine ingedients A , adjusting seasonings to taste , set aside .

6. Remove the greaseproof paper and cut 3 ~ 4 lines ( at the beginning of rolling point ) but the cake is still attached to each other . Spread some tuna filling over the brown surface & roll up again . Let it set before serving .

Note : Refrigerate roll if not eaten as tune might get soggy and making your roll too wet .


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