Wednesday 2 December 2015

洛神蜜栈 ~ Pickled Roselle



材料 :
250g 新鲜洛神 ( 去籽, 花萼净重 )
40ml  柠檬汁
300g ( 分成150g150g )

做法 :
1. 新鲜洛神清洗干净. 尾部切一刀,约切下0.3cm左右.

2. 直接用手指将种子由后方往前推出 ,留下花萼 .

3. 煮一,水沸腾将洛神花放入川烫越5 ~ 6秒捞起沥干水份放涼 .(勿川烫过久,以免成品不脆) .

4. 依序将柠檬汁及一半的糖加入洛神花里,混合均勻 .

5. 准备一个干净的玻璃瓶 ,玻璃瓶用沸水煮2-3分钟捞起晾干,混合完成的洛神裝入,表面洒上另一半的糖 .

6. 盖子封起來,室温密渍3天即完成.完成请放冰箱冷藏保存 .

* 每天必须转动一下瓶子,让上方的洛神也能夠沾到糖液.這样比较不会产生发霉的问題。

* 汤汁可以加水稀釋成果汁饮用。

Recipe source : caroleasylife

Pickled Roselle

Ingredients :
250g deseeded fresh roselle  ( net weight after removing the seedpod )
40ml lemon juice
300g sugar ( divide into 2 portions , 150g each )

Method :
1. Rinse the roselle well and drain. Using a knife , make a 3cm cut at the bottom of the seedpod.

2. Use your thumb to push out the seed from the calyx ( try not to tear up the whole calyx ) .

3. Bring a pot of water to boil ,add in calyx and blanch for 2 ~ 3 minutes . Dish and drain well .

4 .Mix lemon juice and 150g sugar together . Then add in cool calyx. Mix gently till well combined .

5. Pour into dry clean and sterilised jar , add in remaining 150g of sugar over the top .

6. Close the lid and leave at room temperature for 3 days . After 3 days , keep in the fridge .

** Remember to toss the Roselles with juice frequently during preservation to ensure the calyx is evenly covered with the sugar syrup .

** Mix the sugar syrup with some water and serve as roselle juice .


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