Monday 19 October 2015

蒜子生骨煲 ~ Braised Spare Ribs with Garlic in Claypot

食谱取自 有鱼有肉


500g 排骨
15 蒜头(全瓣 )(去皮,洗净,抹干)
4 辣椒干(切23段)
1 红辣椒(切角
1 1/2汤匙 豆酱
2 蒜头 (切茸
1/2汤匙 白米酒
清水适量 (足够淹过排骨

1茶匙 黑酱油
2汤匙 生抽
1/2汤匙 蚝油

1. 蒜头瓣放入热油里,文火炸香至金黄色后,加入辣椒干和红辣椒爆香。

2. 加入豆酱爆香,最后加入排骨炒香,依次序加入调味料炒均匀,熄火。

3. 砂煲烧热少许油,爆香蒜茸。然后把(2)倒入砂煲里,洒下白米酒和倒入足够的清水淹过排骨,加盖。

4. 文火焖30分钟即可享用。

Recipe source : Madam Choong ‘s Nostalgic Recipes

Braised Spare Ribs with Garlic in Claypot

Ingredients :
500g spare ribs
15 cloves garlic ( whole ) ( peel  , rinse & wipe dry )
4 dried chilli ( cut into 2 to 3 sections )
1 red chilli ( cut into triangles )
1 1/2tbsp soy bean paste
2 cloves garlic ( finely chop )
1/2tbsp rice wine
adequate water ( enough to cover spare ribs )

Seasonings :
1tsp dark soy sauce
2tbsp light soy sauce
1/2tbsp oyster sauce
1/2tbsp sugar
a pinch of pepper powder
a pinch of sesame oil

Method :
1. Stir-fry garlic cloves in hot oil over medium heat until fragrant and golden brown . Add in dried chillies and red chilli , stir-fry until fragrant .

2. Add soy bean paste and stir-fry until fragrant , add in spare ribs and stir-fry till fragrant . Add in seasonings and stir-fry evenly . Remove from heat .

3. Heat up some oil in a claypot . Stir-fry minced garlic until fragrant  , add in (2) . Pour in rice wine and enough water to cover the spare ribs . Cover the claypot with lid .

4. Braise over low heat for 30 minutes . Serve .

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