Thursday 12 June 2014

白巧克力芝士蛋糕佐柠檬酱 ~ White Chocolate Cheesecake with Lemon sauce


另一款的重芝士蛋糕又出现在我家咯。这是送给爸爸的 :“ 爸,父亲节快乐


蛋糕体材料:(9” 托底烤盘)
奶油奶酪  1kg    ( 放置室温回软, 切成1寸小块 )
细砂糖   1/2
香草精   2茶匙
鸡蛋 6
白巧克力  350g ( 切碎,隔水软化成液体 )
2汤匙 玉米粉 加入1汤匙酸奶油,搅拌均匀。备用)
奶油  1汤匙  隔水软化成液体)

10  消化饼 
细砂糖  1 汤匙
奶油  5汤匙  隔水软化成液体)

4 ~ 5粒柠檬 取汁
柠檬皮屑 (取自1粒柠檬
1/4  细砂糖
2 汤匙 玉米粉 加少许水调成糊)
1 ~ 2 滴黄色素  

做法 1. 饼皮做法请参考这里

2. 蛋糕体做法请参这里 no. 2 ~ 4.

5. 最后倒入白巧克力液,搅拌均匀。

6.用刷子沾上少许融化奶油,均匀的涂抹在烤盘围边。将奶酪糊倒入烤盘里,盖上铝箔纸以180c1小时。然后把温度调至160c , 拿开铝箔纸再继续烤 1 小时或至熟。

7. 把烤好的蛋糕放在烤箱里自然冷却,大概2个小时。待冷了后,盖上保鲜膜放进冷藏库冷藏过夜。

8.柠檬酱 :在锅里加入柠檬汁,细砂糖和柠檬皮屑。以中小火煮至糖溶解。


Another nice cheesecake from my kitchen again . And it's specially baked for my beloved father " Dad , Happy Father's Day ".

White Chocolate Cheesecake with Lemon Sauce

Ingredients :
1kg cream cheese ( at room temperature , cut into 1” piece )
1/2 cup caster sugar
300g sour cream  
2tsp vanilla essence
6  eggs    
350g white chocolate ( finely chopped and melted )
2 tbsp cornflour   mix with 1tbsp sour cream and set aside
1 tbsp melted butter

For the cheesecake crust :
10 pieces digestive biscuits
1tbsp caster sugar
5tbsp butter ( melted )

For the lemon sauce :
4 ~ 5 lemons ( squeeze out juice )
zest of 1 lemon
1/4 cup caster sugar
2 tbsp cornflour + some water ( for thickening )
1 ~ 2 drops yellow colouring

Method :
1. For the cheesecake crust , please refer to here .

2. For the cheesecake , please refer here no. 2 ~ 4.

5. Lastly add in melted white chocolate and mix until well-combined .

6. Without touching the crust, brush the sides of the inside of the pan with melted butter. Pour the filling into the pan , cover it with aluminium foil and bake for 1 hour ( 180c ) . Without opening the oven door, reduce the oven temperature to 160c and continue to bake , about 1 hour ( remove the aluminium foil ) .

7. Turn off the oven and leave the cake cool in the oven for 2 hours. Cover loosely with foil and refrigerate overnight. Take the cheesecake out of the fridge ,top with the lemon sauce when ready to serve.

8. For lemon sauce : In a saucepan , add in lemon juice , caster sugar and lemon zest . Cook over medium-low heat unti; sugar dissolve .
9. Then add in cornflour solution for thickening and yellow colouring , mix until well-combined .

I'm linking this post to the 'Little Thumbs Up' event and the theme for June is 'Butter' organized by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids , Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Jozelyn of Spice Up My Kitchen .



  1. Hi Kit Wai,

    I'm totally sold with the glossy lemon sauce drizzling on your cheesecake... It looks really good :D


  2. Wow, you prepare the father's day cake in advance!
    Thanks for linking up with LTU!
