Monday 2 June 2014

传统粽子 ~ Traditional Chinese Dumpling


食谱取自 美味风彩 @ June 2004
糯米  1公斤 洗净浸隔夜
食油  2汤匙
蒜葱茸   2汤匙
蚝油  2汤匙
五香粉  1茶匙
胡椒粉  1茶匙
馅料 A :
五花肉 800g  切成半寸放块
蒜葱茸   2汤匙
黑酱油 1汤匙
蚝油  1汤匙
五香粉  1/2 茶匙
馅料 B :
香菇  80g (浸软切4
蒜葱茸   1汤匙
胡椒粉  1/4茶匙
蚝油  1茶匙
馅料 C :
虾米  100g
蒜葱茸   1汤匙
胡椒粉  1/4茶匙
馅料 D :
咸蛋黄 25
粽叶和草绳 洗净浸软)
2.馅料 :爆香蒜葱茸,各别将A , B & C 馅料加入调味料炒香后,置放一旁。
3.用2片粽叶折成斗形,放入1汤匙糯米,放入蛋黄在中间,舀入2块花肉,两片香菇和少许虾米,面上再填满糯米,将粽叶折成三角形,并以水草扎紧。 (图1

~ 1 / picture 1 ~

4.煮滚一大煲水后,加入1大匙盐 ,放入粽子( 水要盖过面), 以中火煮2 ~ 3小时或至熟为止。
Recipe source : Oriental Cuisine @ June 2004
Traditional Chinese Dumpling

Ingredients :
1kg glutinous rice ( washed & soaked overnight )
2tbsp cooking oil
2tbsp chopped garlic & shallots
2tbsp dark soy sauce
2tbsp oyster sauce
1tsp 5 spice powder
1tsp pepper
salt to taste
Filling Ingredients A :
800g pork belly ( cut into 1/2 sizes )
2tbsp chopped garlic & shallots
1tbsp dark soy sauce
1tbsp oyster sauce
1/2tsp 5 spice powder

Filling Ingredients B :
80g dried Chinese mushroom ( soaked & quartered )
1tbsp chopped garlic & shallots
1/4tsp pepper
1tsp oyster sauce
Filling Ingredients C :
100g dried shrimp ( washed and soaked )
1tbsp chopped garlic & shallots
1/4tsp pepper
a pinch of 5 spice powder
Filling Ingredients D :
25 salted duck eggs
bamboo leaves & hemp string ( washed and soaked )
Method :
1. Drain soaked glutinous rice in a colander. Heat oil in a wok , sauté garlic & shallots till fragrant. Add in glutinous rice and rest of seasonings to taste . Stirring continuously over medium heat . Turn off heat and set aside .
2. Filling : Heat oil , sauté chopped garlic & shallots till fragrant . Fry filling ingredients A , B and C accordingly with seasoning . Set aside for later use .
3. Take 2 large bamboo leaves and fold in a to form a cone . Fill cone with a little rice , place salted egg yolk in the center , 2 pieces pork belly , 2 slices chinese mushroom and a little dried shrimp . Cover filling with rice and press down to compress. Fold bamboo leaves cover to form a pyramid , secure with hemp string . ( Picture 1 )
4. Place wrapped dumplings in a large pot of boiling water ,add 1tbsp salt and cook for 2 ~ 3 hours till cooked  .













1 comment:

  1. great to have steps in making this, missing this, wish cud eat this..
