食谱取自 :精选50款年味饼香
600g 芋头
600g 芋头
1 1/2小匙五香粉
1/2 小匙 胡椒粉
1小匙 盐
2小匙 双倍发粉
1小匙 味精素 ( 我没放 )
做法 :
4.让蒸好的芋头团待冷却,存放在冰箱2天至硬,然后取出切成薄片。再以猛烈太阳下晒干(约2天)(我晒1天,然后用烤箱以90度烘6 ~ 7小时或至干 ) 。最后用热油炸脆即可。
Recipe source : Chinese
New Year Festive Cookies Selected
Yam Crackers
Ingredients :
600g yam
350g tapioca flour
1 1/2tsp five spice
1/2tsp pepper
1tsp salt
2tsp double action
baking powder
1tsp monosodium
glutamate ( I omit it )
Method :
1. Rinse and peel the yam , cut into thick
slices . Steam over high heat for 20 minutes until cooked and soft . Remove and
keep aside .
2. Pound the steamed
yam and the rest of ingredients into a fruit blender until finely paste and
smooth .
3. Divide the yam paste
into 4 portions , knead and form into cylinder shapes separately , then put
them on a greased heatproof platter . Steam in the pre-heated steamer over high
heat for approximately 45 minutes . Remove .
4. Leave the steamed
yam dough to cool . Chill in the fridge for 2 days until harden . Remove , cut
into thinly slices and basked dry under the hot sun for 2 days ( I basked dry under hot sun for 1 day and basked dry by using oven at 90c for 6 ~ 7
hours or until dry ) . Lastly , deep-fry
into hot oil until crispy . Serve .
This post is linked to My Treasured Recipes # 5 - Chinese New Year Goodies ( Jan / Feb 2015 ) hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders & co-hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery House .
Also linked to the event, Cook & Celebrate : CNY organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids, Yen from Eat Your Heart Out and Diana from the Domestic Goddess Wannabe .

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