食谱取自 :名食谱@第89期
金玉满堂 ( 栗子花腩扣豆筋)
300g 五花肉 ( 连皮,切块 )5片 豆筋 / 豆包 ( 切半)
60g 栗子 ( 泡软 )
4粒 蘑菇 ( 切半)
100g 西兰花( 切小朵 )
3片 生姜
1小匙 蒜茸
1大匙 绍兴酒
500ml 清水
1大匙 蚝油1大匙 酱油
1大匙 黑酱油
1小匙 砂糖
1/2小匙 胡椒粉
做法 :
1. 锅里烧热2大匙食油,慢火爆香姜片和蒜茸,加入花肉,栗子和调味料炒片刻至花肉转色。
4. 预热蒸炉,把豆筋花肉盛入,盖上,大火蒸15 ~20分钟,离火,盛起。
5. 汁料倒出,煮滚后用适量粟粉水勾芡,加入绍兴酒拌匀,离火。
6. 把蒸好的豆筋花肉扣上大碟,以西兰花装饰,淋上汁料,即可上桌。
Recipe source : Famous
Cuisine @ No.89
Bean Gluten with Pork Belly and Chestnuts
Ingredients :
300g pork belly with
skin ( cut into pieces )5 pieces bean gluten ( halved )
60g dried chestnuts ( soaked )
4 button mushroom ( halved )
100g broccoli ( cut into pieces )
3 ginger slices
1tsp chopped garlic
1tbsp Shaoxing wine
some cornstarch solutions
500ml water
Seasoning :
1tbsp oyster sauce 1tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp dark soy sauce
1tsp caster sugar
1/2tsp pepper
Method :
1. Heat 2tbsp cooking
oil in a pre-heated wok to sauté ginger and garlic over low heat . Add pork
belly pieces , chestnuts and seasoning , stir-fry briskly until the colour of
pork pieces change.
2. Add water and bring
to boil over high heat , cover with lid . Reduce to low heat , let it simmer
for 30 minutes , stir in button mushrooms . Flame out .
3. In a deep bowl , arrange
bean glutens inside , add the simmered pork belly and chestnuts mixture until
full , add in sauce liquid . Wrap with clingwrap .
4. In a pre-heated
steamer , put in bean gluten and pork belly , cover with lid . Steam for 15 ~ 20 minutes over high heat .
Dish out .
5. Remove the sauce
from bowl and bring to boil over high heat , thicken it with a little
cornstarch solutions . Sprinkle with Shaoxing wine .
6. Invert bean gluten
with pork belly onto a serving plate , garnish with broccoli . Add sauce ,
Serve hot .
Also linked to the event “ Cook &
Celebrate: CNY organised by Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids , Yen from Eat Your Heart Outand Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe.

This post is linked to " My Treasured Recipe # 5 - Chinese New Year Goodies ( Jan / Feb 2015 ) " hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and co-hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery House.

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