Thursday 7 November 2013

沙丁鱼马玲薯泥法式千层蛋糕 ~ Sardine & mashed potato Mille crepe


可丽皮食谱取自 美味风采 ,第131
馅料食谱取自  Vanessa Chong


A 4
细砂糖   1汤匙
牛奶   500ml
香草香精  2
面粉  200g
发粉  1/2茶匙
奶油 牛油   40g 溶解

沙丁鱼  2 用叉压
爱尔兰青葱马玲薯泥  1份


1 鸡蛋,盐,糖,牛奶和香精混合搅拌至糖溶解。加入粉料,搅拌均勻后再拌入溶解奶油。

2.烧热不粘锅,涂少许奶油,舀入适量的面糊 我的大概50ml ),旋转使表面均匀。



* * 我用8寸的不粘锅,可以做16



Recipe source : Oriental Cuisine , No.131 ( crepe )  & Vanessa Chong ( filling recipe )

Sardine & mashed potato Mille crepe

Crepe ingredients :
4 grade A eggs
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
milk 500ml
vanilla essence 2 drops
plain flour 200g
baking powder  1/2tsp
butter 40g ( melted )

Filling ingredients :
sardine 2 tins ( mashed )
Irish champ    1 portion

To prepare crepe :

1.  Place eggs , sugar , salt , milk and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl, stir until sugar dissolves . Sift in dry ingredients and lastly melted butter  . Sieve batter .

2. Heat non-stick pan , lightly grease pan with some melted  butter .Pour a ladle of batter , swirling the pan to allow batter to cover the whole pan .

3. Cook over low heat , flipping crepe over once . Remove crepe & place onto a tea towel to cool  .

4. Repeat until all the batter is used  . Close with cling film or kitchen towel to prevent crepe from drying out .
** I used 8” non-stock pan , can make 16pcs crepe .

To assemble :

1.  Lay a piece of crepe , spread a thin layer of mashed sardine over , and cover with another layer of crepe . Continue repeating until all is filled  .

2. Chill the crepe . Serve crepe cold , slice as and when needed  .

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