Thursday 27 March 2014

爪哇面 ~ Mee Jawa / Mee Rebus

食谱取自: Ah Tee kitchen


油黄面 300g

酱汁材料 :
橙色番薯 2   ( 去皮,切半)
马铃薯 2   ( 去皮,切半)
番茄 1
江鱼仔高汤 1.5L

芽菜    灼熟
豆腐干 炸至金黄色,切片)
鸡蛋 (煮熟,剥壳,切成一半)
酸柑 / 桔子 ( 切成一半)
生菜 (切丝)
马铃薯 (煮熟,去皮,切粒/切片)

蕃茄酱 3大匙
辣椒酱 3 大匙
1 大匙


1. 番薯和马铃薯去皮, 切半, 下高汤熬煮直软。

2. 取出番薯和马铃薯, 捣烂, 倒回高汤里拌均匀。

3.下调味料, 试味, 如需要再依个人口味调味。

4. 将油黄面烫熟,盛入碗里,铺上配料,淋入汤汁即可配上自制叁巴辣椒酱和酸柑 / 桔子汁享用。


食谱取自 : Stephenie's Diary


材料 :
鲜虾 适量(剥壳,洗净) ( 我没放虾 )
适量 面粉
2大匙 粘米粉
2大匙 粟粉
1 鸡蛋
少许 胡椒粉

1. 把虾肉放入搅拌器里 ,加少许水,把虾肉搅碎。

2. 将全部材料搅匀成面糊。

3. 热炸油。将炒铲浸入热油里约5-10分钟左右,舀入少许的面糊,再放入热油中炸至金黄色。

Recipe source :  Ah Tee kitchen

Mee Jawa / Mee Rebus

Ingredients :
300g yellow noodles  ( scalded and drained )

Ingredients for gravy  :
2 orange sweet potato ( peeled and halved )
2 potato ( peeled and halved )
1 tomato
chicken stock 1.5L

Garnishing :
beansprout ( blanched and drained  )
fried beancurd  ( sliced )
hard boiled eggs ( peeled and halved )
limes  / calamansi limes ( halved )
green leaf lettuce – chopped
potato  ( steamed / boiled then sliced )
prawn fritters

Seasoning :
3tbsp chilli sauce
3tbsp tomato sauce
1tbsp sugar
1/2tsp salt

corn starch water ( to thicken the gravy )

Method :
1. Place the sweet potatoes , potatoes and chicken stock in a pot. Bring to a boil and simmer  until the sweet potatoes are tender.

2. Remove the sweet potatoes . Using the food processor or blender, process or blend the potatoes until well blended  and pour back into the stock .

3. Add in seasoning , adjust to taste .

4. To serve : divide beansprouts, yellow noodles , beancurd , potatoes , hard boiled eggs  green leaf lettuce and prawn fritters between serving bowls. Ladle the gravy into individual serving bowls. Garnish with limes / calamansi limes . Serve hot with  home-made sambal .

Recipe source : Stephenie's Diary

Prawns Fritters

Ingredients :
small shrimps shelled ( I omit it )
some all purpose flour
2tbsp rice flour
2tbsp corn flour
1 egg
1/2tsp salt
pepper to taste

Method :
1. Blend small shrimps until fine paste .

2. Mix batter until smooth .

3. Heat oil  and spoon tablespoons of batter to deep fry in moderate heat until golden brown .



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