Wednesday 27 July 2016

菠萝蜜千层蛋糕 ~ Jackfruit Thousand Layer Cake ( Lapis Cempedak )

食谱取自 : BitterSweetSpicy / Rozzan


500g 牛油 ( 我用有盐牛油 )
4大匙 炼奶
1茶匙 香草香精

20 蛋黄
5 蛋白
270g 细砂糖
1大匙 乳化剂 ( 我没放 )

120g 香港粉 ( 我用特幼面粉 )
20g 奶粉
150g cempedak

1. 预热烤箱170 ~ 180度。8寸四方模盘底和旁边涂油然后铺上油纸。

2. 将牛油,炼奶和香草香精打发至奶白色。放置备用。

3. 将鸡蛋,细砂糖和乳化剂以高速拌打至发和浓稠。

4. 将打发的牛油加入做法3 以低速搅拌均匀。然后将面粉分次加入

5. 最后加入150gcempedak 泥, 搅拌均匀。

6. 倒入100g面糊,以上下火烤达约7分钟或至熟。

7. 将少许溶化牛油和1大匙的cempedak泥均匀的涂在第一层上,然后倒入大约80g面糊。以上火烤至熟和金黄色. **

8. 重复做法7至面糊用完。

9. 最后一层用上下火烘10分钟或至上色。出炉后方凉,切片。

** 也可以每隔两层涂上一层融化牛油 / cempedak泥(也可以每层涂上防止蛋糕干燥)。


材料 :
600g cempedak果肉 ( 去核 )
150g 细砂糖

做法 :
1. 将全部材料用搅拌机打成泥。倒入锅里 ,以小火不停搅拌煮至浓稠状。

Recipe source :  BitterSweetSpicy / Rozzan

Jackfruit Thousand Layer Cake ( Lapis Cempedak )

500g butter ( I used salted )
4 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla essence

20 egg yolks
5 egg white
270g fine caster sugar
1 tbsp ovalette

120g Hong Kong / Top flour ( I used superfine flour )
20g milk powder
150g cempedak puree (recipe below)


1. Preheat oven at 170-180 deg C. Grease & line the bottom of a 8” x 8” baking pan.

2. Combine butter, condensed milk & vanilla essence in a bowl & cream until light & fluffy. Set aside.

3. Place eggs, caster sugar & ovalette  in a mixing bowl & beat on high speed until thick & fluffy.

4. Add the butter mixture into the egg mixture & mix well. Then fold in the flour.

5. Finally, add in cempedak puree (150g) & mix well.

6. Pour 2 ladles of batter ( I weighed 100g ) into the baking pan & spread it out evenly. Bake until the cake is cooked ( about 7 minutes ) & the top turns golden brown. Use top & bottom heat for this first layer.

7. Spread a thin layer of melted butter and 1tbsp cempedak puree on top of the first layer , pour 80g batter  and use top heat (grill) bake till cooked and golden brown . **

8. Repeat step 7 until finish using all the batter  .

9. After baking the last layer,  bake the whole cake using top & bottom heat for about 10 minutes. Remove cake from pan and allow to cool on a cooling wire rack before serving.

** You can spread a thin layer of melted butter and cempedak puree every second layer ( to prevent the cake from drying out after long baking process ) .

Cempedak Puree

Ingredients :
600g cempedak flesh (without seeds)
150g fine caster sugar
220 ml water

Method :

1. Combine the above 3 ingredients & blend into a smooth puree. Then cook, stirring continuously, until the puree is thick.

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