Monday 28 April 2014

韩式糖饼 ~ Sweet Pancakes with Brown Sugar Syrup Filling / Hotteok ( 호떡 )


食谱取自 :小小米桶

面粉  2 1/2 ( 我用高筋麵粉)   ( 过篩 )
糯米粉   1/2 (嫌麻烦可以全用面粉)  ( 过篩 )
酵母粉 1小匙
温水  1/2
牛奶     1 (或是清水)

** 配方中的杯是標准量杯 = 250ml

黑糖     1 (黃砂糖或是红糖亦可)
花生/ 核桃    3大匙    烤香
肉桂粉   1/2小匙

1. 糖馅用料混合均勻 成为糖馅,备用。(图1
~ 1 / picture 1 ~

2. 酵母粉、糖,放入温水中拌勻,靜置约5分钟;将面粉与糯米粉混合再加入酵母水、牛奶、盐,拌勻成湿软的面团。

3.将拌好的面团移至抹上一层油的大盆,蓋上膠膜,放在温暖的地方静置发酵90分钟 .(2
                                                  ~ 2/ picture 2 ~

4. 发酵好后,排气,取適量面团整成圆饼状( 我的是一粒50g , 大概可做14片),加入一大匙糖馅,再将其收口封好 ( 3
                                                 ~ 3/ picture 3 ~

5 .放入热油锅中,先让底部煎约15秒,使其定型,然后翻面。用锅铲边压边转动的讲糖饼整成圆饼状,最后煎至2面金黃色即可。( 4
                                                  ~ 4/ picture 4 ~

** 可以在饼皮用料中,添加南瓜泥或绿茶粉,做成不同口味的饼皮。

** 饼皮可全用用一般的面粉,或是高筋麵粉 ,不一定要加糯米粉,糯米粉是用於增加糖饼的酥脆

** 糖馅一般都是用花生碎(),有的则是核桃碎,或是只有黑糖跟肉桂粉

** 饼皮是属於比较湿、黏、软的面团。整型时手可沾上少许的面粉哦!

** 糖饼胚刚下锅時,不要急著用锅铲压扁,要停几十秒,等底部定型後才可翻面压,因為 一下锅就压,容易造成饼皮破裂,漏出糖馅汁液喔。

** 糖饼要做好趁热吃,才好吃喔,冷了就会变得硬一些….

**  如果有吃剩的,之后想吃的時候,可以放入微波炉加热 又会回软咯….

Hotteok is a flour dough pancake filled with sugar syrup inside. It’s one of the most popular street snacks in Korea. It is usually eaten during the winter season.
Recipe source : mitongwu

Sweet Pancakes with Brown Sugar Syrup Filling / Hotteok 호떡

Ingredients :
all purpose flour / bread flour   2  1/2 cups  ( sifted )
glutinous rice flour    1/2 cup  ( can used 3 cups of all purpose flour / bread flour and sifted  )
instant dry yeast  1 tsp
sugar  1 tsp
lukewarm water  1/2 cup
milk or water   1 cup
salt  1/3 tsp

** 1 cup = 250ml

Brown sugar syrup filling :
molasses  1 cup ( can replace with brown sugar )
chopped peanuts / walnuts   3 tbsp ( roasted )
cinnamon powder    1/2 tsp

Method  :
1. Mix all brown sugar syrup filling together until  well-combined  and set aside . ( Picture 1 )

2. Add instant yeast ,  sugar, lukewarm water stir well . Let it sit for 5 minutes . Add in all –purpose flour , glutinous flour , yeast mixture , milk and salt and make a soft dough .

3 . Grease bowl with some oil , let the dough rise. It should sit with the lid closed at room temperature for 1  ½ hour or  90 minutes . ( Picture 2 )

4. After an hour the dough will rise to double its size. Knead it to remove the gas bubbles in the dough .  Divide it into equal –sized balls ( mine are 50g each , can make 14 pcs hotteok ) . Take 1 dough ball , flatten it, put some filling in the center of the dough , and then seal it to make a ball .  ( May( use some flour to prevent your fingers from sticking to the dough . )  ( Picture 3 )

5. Heat up non-stick pan over medium heat and add some vegetable oil . Place 1 ball on the pan and let it cook for 15 seconds. When the bottom of the dough ball is light golden brown , turn it over and press the dough with a spatula to make a thin and wide circle . Let it cook again until the bottom is golden brown .  ( Picture 4 )


I am submitting this post to Asian Food Fest : Korea ~ April 2014, hosted by Sharon of Feats of Feasts.

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