Monday 23 May 2016

古早味咖啡软蛋糕 / 夹心蛋糕 ~ Coffee Cream Cake


食谱取自 : Bibi's Baking Journey

古早味咖啡软蛋糕 / 夹心蛋糕 

材料 A :    6寸戚风蛋糕体  / 6寸四方模 ( 我用7寸四方模,所以全部材料乘1.36 )
60g  特幼低筋面粉 过筛2 ,去除杂质
3 蛋黄  
20g 细砂糖  
45ml 温水
7g 即溶咖啡粉  ( 即溶咖啡粉和45ml温水泡好 , 待用 )
10ml 咖啡酒
25g 玉米油  

材料 B : 
3 蛋白  
25g 细砂糖
1/8 茶匙 塔塔粉( 我没放

牛油霜材料 :
150g 室温软化牛油
60g  过筛糖粉
1 1/2大匙 咖啡酒

牛油霜制作步骤 :

装饰 :
100g 炒香花生碎

做法 :
1. 蛋黄糊 : 蛋黄和砂糖拌至糖溶解,加入玉米油,咖啡酒拌匀 ,最后把面粉和咖啡液交替加入拌均匀.

2. 蛋白霜 : 取个无水无油干净的盘,把蛋白放入 ,用电动搅拌机把蛋白打至起泡泡,加入塔塔粉,再分3次加入砂糖,打至硬性发泡 ( 短而挺的小湾勾状 ).

3. 1/3的蛋白加入蛋黄面糊中拌匀。把剩余的面糊倒入蛋黄糊中轻轻拌匀。 ( 以翻拌方式混合均匀,千万不可用转卷方式 。因为这方式会让蛋白消泡 ).

4. 倒入模里,轻轻敲出气泡。放入预热烤箱,以150-160度,烤约45-50分钟。

5. 烘烤后,立刻取出倒扣,待完全凉后才脱模。

组合蛋糕 :
1. 把冷却的蛋糕横切成2片,在1片蛋糕抹上适量的牛油霜。然后盖上另外一片的蛋糕,抹上牛油霜,再撒花生碎在表层,即可。

Recipe source :  Bibi's Baking Journey

Coffee Cream Cake

Ingredients A :
60g superfine flour ( sieved 2 times )
3 egg yolks
20g castor sugar
45ml warm water
7g instant coffee powder ( mix with 45ml warm water )
10ml Kahlua
25g corn oil

Ingredients B  :
3 eggs white
25g castor sugar
1/8 tsp cream of tartar ( I omit it )

Butter Cream ingredients :
150g butter ( in room temperature )
60g sieved icing sugar
1 1/2tbsp kahlua

Method :
Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl , beat till fluffy .

Garnishing :
100g toasted crushed peanuts

Method :
1. Mix egg yolk and sugar in a bowl ,  using a balloon whisk mix until sugar dissolve . Add in corn oil and kahlua , mix till well combined . Fold in flour and coffee mixture , mix until there are no more lumps and form a smooth batter . Set aside .

2. Whisk egg whites until mixture forms soft peaks, and gradually add in sugar in 3 batches , whisk until frothy and stiff peaks form.

3. Fold in 1/3 of meringue, gently fold with egg yolk batter till slightly combined. Fold in the balance meringue and gently fold till well combined.

4. Pour cake batter into pan . Tap pan on the counter top to remove air trapped inside the batter. Bake at pre-heated oven at 150 ~ 160c for 45 ~ 50 mins or until cooked. .

5. Revert immediately to cool before unmoulding .

Assembly the cake :
1. Using a sharp knife, cut the cake horizontally into 2 layers.  Turn over the top layer of the cake ( top of cake becomes bottom) and place on your serving plate. Spread some butter cream on top of it . Place the second layer of the cake on top of the cream . Decorate the top of the cake with butter cream and sprinkle some toasted crushed peanuts .



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