Thursday 26 September 2013

菲律宾焖猪肉 ~ Pork Menudo

食谱取自 :Adora's Box


猪肉  600g
甜椒粉  1茶匙
酱油  1汤匙
黑胡椒粉    1/4茶匙
橄榄油  2汤匙
蒜茸  1汤匙
洋葱 1 ~ 2 ,切片
番茄酱  2汤匙
葡萄干  2汤匙
马铃薯   200g , 切块
红色灯笼椒  1/4杯,切成三角形


1 猪肉切成长形(2" x 1" x 1/4" )。在碗里,加入肉片,甜椒粉,酱油 ,黑胡椒粉和酸柑汁。搅拌均匀。腌至少30分钟。

2.烧热油,爆香蒜茸。加入洋葱和盐,把洋葱片炒至软  。加入猪肉片,大火炒至汁收干。

3 加入番茄酱,葡萄干和水。加盖,肉片以中小火焖至熟(大概1小时。焖的时候可以加入适量的水)。

4 加入马铃薯,红色灯笼椒和糖。加盖,再煮至马铃薯熟。


Recipe source : Adora's Box

Pork Menudo

600g pork meat (shoulder or butt)
1 tsp  good quality pimenton dulce (smoked sweet paprika)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
juce of 1 calamansi or half a lime
2 tbsps  olive oil
1 tbsp crushed garlic
1 large or 2 medium onions, sliced
2 tbsps  tomato puree (tomato paste)
2 tbsps sultanas or raisins
200g  potatoes, cut into rectangular chunks
1/4 cup sweet red pepper, cut into triangles
1 tbsp sugar
salt to taste


Method :

1. Cut the pork meat into rectangular pieces, roughly, 2" x 1" x 1/4". Put the meat in bowl and add the pimenton, soy sauce, black pepper and calamansi or lime juice. Mix thoroughly and leave to marinade for at least half an hour.

2. Heat up a sauté pan, medium heat. Add the olive oil, then the garlic and sauté until golden brown. Add the onions and a pinch of salt. Sauté until the onions are translucent. Add the seasoned pork and turn the heat up. Fry until the pork is sealed and the mixture is dry.

3. Add the tomato puree and stir. Cook until most of the liquid evaporates. Add the sultanas or raisins. Push the mixture to one side and add the water, taking care not to wash off the caramelization on the pork. Push the mixture to cover the bottom of the pan. Put the cover on and simmer on very gentle heat until fork tender. Stir the mixture from time to time and add 1/2 c. of water as needed. This swill take about an hour.

4. Add the potatoes, sweet pepper and sugar. Stir, put the cover on and cook until the potatoes are done.

5. Season with salt to taste. The finished dish should have a thick sauce.

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