Monday 29 July 2013

鸡肉阿斗波 ~ Chicken Adobo

Adobo ~ 菲律宾特式的煮菜调料,是由黑醋和酱油组成,酸酸咸咸甜甜的味道。通常用在猪肉和鸡肉上。

鸡肉阿斗波 Chicken Adobo
(食谱参考自 Min's blog , Just One cookbook & Nasi Lemak Lover )

5 ~ 6片鸡腿或者鸡上腿

酱油 1/2
苹果醋 1/2 我用白米醋
蒜头 2大瓣, 切片
黑胡椒 适量

1. 把鸡肉洗干净后, 抹干。

2.酱汁的材料混合在一个大锅, 用中火煮滚。

3.加入鸡肉, 转中小火。

4.闷煮大概30分钟, 15分钟把鸡肉翻面。把鸡肉取出, 铺放在一个网架上 (以让油分可以滴下), 然后放入预热200c烤箱,烤大概10分钟。

5.在烤鸡的同时, 开大火把刚才的酱汁煮浓, 加入糖调味。

6.可以选择把酱汁倒在鸡肉上, 或者用刷子抹上去, 都一样美味。



Adobo (Filipino: "marinade," "sauce" or "seasoning") is the name of a popular dish and cooking process in Philippine cuisine that involves meat, seafood, or vegetables marinated in a sauce of vinegar and garlic, browned in oil, and simmered in the marinade. It has sometimes been considered as the unofficial national dish of the Philippines.

Chicken Adobo

Ingredients : 
5 ~ 6 chicken thighs & drumsticks with bone and skin, sauce will be enough for up to 8 pieces.

Sauce :
1 cup water
½ cup soy sauce
½ cup apple cider vinegar
2 large cloves garlic, sliced
Freshly ground black pepper
2tsp sugar, optional (not in original recipe)

Method :
1. Rinse the chicken with water and pat dried with paper towel. Combine all the sauce ingredients in a large pot. Make sure the pot is big enough so the chicken will not overlap each other.

2. Bring the sauce to a boil on medium high heat.

3. Add the chicken and reduce the heat to medium low. Cover and cook 30 minutes. Turn the chicken once 15 minute through.

4. Transfer the chicken onto a baking pan with wire rack (so the oil will drip down) and bake at preheated oven at 200c for 10mins or until golden brown.

5. Meanwhile turn up the stove to high and reduce the sauce until it thickens, add sugar and Bay leaf. Make sure it doesn’t burn when the sauce is boiling.

6. Serve the chicken on a plate and pour the sauce over. Keep the extra sauce in a small bowl so you can adjust the taste based on preference.



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